A working trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag city
A working trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag city
Published 17.09.2023

Today, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan made a working trip to Arkadag city to get himself familiarized with projects of the objects planned to be constructed as well as the state of work at building sites. Besides it, Hero-Arkadag examined types of used building materials, took interest in methods of conducted work with a view of maintenance of appropriate level of the ecological environment of the new city.

At present, thanks to initiatives and efforts of Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a start was given to construction of the industrial cluster of the new city - industrial complexes. All work is carried out at high rates. Efficiency and versatility of large-scale construction activities developed there reflect a harmonious development of Arkadag city.

Early in the morning, the National Leader of the Turkmen people arrived in the place of realisation of the new modern town-planning program. Hajy Arkadag familiarised himself with decorative features of the future mosque.

Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the city of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D.Orazov reported on the state of affairs at building sites, types of materials for furnish internal premises and external facade of the mosque and the museum erected nearby. Data on finishing materials, especially those, which produce improbably beautiful lights upon the fall of light or sunrays, were presented for Hero-Arkadag. It testifies that at decoration of buildings under construction, advanced finishing materials will be applied.

As for ornament of internal premises various colours will be used, the latest methods of maintenance were considered for them. D.Orazov presented the extensive information on how to look after planting of trees in the city with the account of experience of the Republic of Tajikistan where our experts were sent to study this point in question. Hero-Arkadag was told how to keep moisture at roots of trees and how to rescue them from dry winds.

Having examined presented means of decor, Hajy Arkadag emphasised on necessity of the timely and qualitative completion of construction of projects. It was underlined that at furnish of the new mosque and museum of Arkadag city features of national architecture should be considered, their erection shall answers centuries-old traditions and spiritual principles of people. Such is the invariable requirement shown to both designers and builders, Hajy Arkadag noted and added that all previously mentioned should be carried out strictly.

Hero-Arkadag with satisfaction underlined that business trips of experts to foreign countries brought huge advantage and yield good results. This work should be continued and developed on the basis of national principles and on a scientific basis. The birth of the new city at the picturesque foothills of the Kopet Dagh, the city, which has become a example of modern architectural solutions, - another acknowledgement of confident step of our fatherland on the path towards the bright future where every day of our life is marked by tremendous successes and achievements.

There , National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting, in which the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the city of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan and khyakim of Arkadag city Sh.Durdylyev took part.

During the working meeting the report on active use of the latest technologies and digital system at erection of the new city, amount of work executed by students, combining study with practical activities, how they, having visited abroad, studied the best practices in this area and now apply it in place was presented. It also attests to success of the youth policy, the initiator of which was hero-Arkadag and today it proceeds under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

As the National Leader of the Turkmen people pointed out, in civil work a special attention should be given to the ecological condition of the city and at that one should observe strictly all corresponding requirements and consider an accomplishment of adjoining territories.

At the same time, it is necessary to be guided by the concept “smart city”, basic directions of which are use of non-polluting materials at construction of buildings and maintenance of ecological safety. Observance these principles should serve as the basic requirement in these activities.

Arkadag instructed them to take a responsible approach modern practice and innovative methods of care of planted plants. In the new city located in the beautiful corner at the piedmont of the Kopet Dagh, an important goal is maintenance comfortable climate for life of population.

Then, Arkadag was shown projects of objects under construction and planned to be erected and drawings of their arrangement. He was also reported on the project of the central building of the National Football Federation of the country and its unique features.

Having familiarised with presented projects, Hero-Arkadag noted that achievements of Turkmenistan, which is recognised as the country of health and spirituality, in sports, should find reflexion at building and furnishing of this building. The National Leader of the Turkmen people approved the architectural solution of a new complex and underlined importance of conduction of civil work at high level.

The building of three storeys should provide all conditions for holding conferences of international and regional level, bilateral and multilateral meetings. Hero-Arkadag marked that it is necessary to give a great significance for issues connected with creation of possibilities for foreign visitors and local experts effectively to work, to conduct short conversations at a "cup of tea", comfortably to have a rest there and gave in this respect a number of instructions.

Having underlined importance of quality maintenance of the civil work planned and carried out in the territory of Arkadag city and their completion on designated dates, Hero-Arkadag said that at realisation of the program of town planning it is necessary to apply advanced experience and the latest methods, harmoniously combining with features of national architecture.

Hero-Arkadag noted that in process of construction it is necessary to use effectively innovative technologies and digital system, with the account of natural features and ecology of this district. It is necessary to give special attention to strict observance of corresponding requirements and issues of gardening of territories adjoining to objects.

The project of the children's park in Arkadag city was also submitted for attention of the National Leader of the Turkmen people. Creation of the given park - one more display of constant care of the state of useful and interesting pastime of the younger generation educated in the new city and harmonious development of children.

Arkadag familiarised himself with kinds of images and figures, which will be placed in the par and pointed out that they should be unique and evoke in children pleasant feelings.

At that, digital equipment of entertainment complexes, which will be placed in the park’s territory, presence of moving electronic toys will leave unforgettable impressions on children and will raise its appeal. In this connection, the basic requirement is management of best practices, thus heroes of favourite children's fairy tales should occupy an important place.

Considering drawings of the central entrance to the children's park, Hero-Arkadag noted that it would be pertinent to construct it in the image of heroes of children's fairy tales of Turkmen people, in particular, to execute in the image of smiling Bovenjik, which has become a favourite character of children and it will evoke a feeling of pleasure in the rising generation.

Having pointed out that the purpose of all work held in regions of the country, including in Arkadag city, creation of comfortable conditions for life, work and rest of our people, especially for the younger generation, Hero-Arkadag underlined that it is necessary to follow the basic areas of the state policy, the main principle of which is “state - for people!”.

It attests to another fact that the state policy realised in Turkmenistan, recognised as the country of happy childhood, is focused on care of people.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having wished all big successes in their fulfilment of tasks in view, left the place.

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