Days of Culture of Turkmenistan were held with great success in Armenia
Days of Culture of Turkmenistan were held with great success in Armenia
Published 02.06.2023

The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Armenia ended with a solemn closing ceremony, which took place at the Drama Theater named after Amo Kharazyan.

On the stage of this theater, on the final day, the creative teams participating in the Days of Culture gave a joint concert, after which individual performances took place, which left an unforgettable impression on the audience and participants in the celebrations. The concert and joint performances became another evidence of the friendly relations between the two peoples, a vivid demonstration of the mutual enrichment of cultures and the expansion of humanitarian ties.

In general, the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan demonstrated that Turkmen-Armenian relations are based not only on common economic relations and interests of the two friendly countries, but also on the proximity of cultures and spiritual values. The past large-scale cultural event gave the people of Yerevan the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the modern musical, cinematographic and national art of Turkmenistan, but also to get to know the customs and traditions of the Turkmen people more deeply.

It should be added that during the creative event at the Yerevan State University, a meeting was held with the faculty and students of the university on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi. And this meeting was held under the sign of friendship and the great interest of the current generation in the work and philosophical heritage of one of the great thinkers of the East.

Representatives of the Armenian side noted that in the development of mutual cooperation during the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Armenia, a special place was occupied by numerous friendly meetings and exchange of views of participants in the events.

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