Towards new heights of progress
Towards new heights of progress
Published 28.05.2023

The next 15th volume of selected works “Towards new heights of progress”, which included program speeches of Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, his learned articles, interviews, messages, congratulations to people on the occasion of significant events and national holidays in 2021 was released out of print.

Prepared for printing by the Main Archives Department of the Cabinet of Ministers, the edition will serve an important scientific-documentary and information-educational source reflecting dynamics of occurring cardinal changes, achievements of independent neutral Turkmenistan in the political, economic and cultural life.

The collection opens with the review “The creative policy of Turkmenistan - for universal peace and trust”, devoted to significant events of 2021, which was held under the motto «Turkmenistan – native land of peace and trust”, - to the solemn celebration of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of our fatherland and the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat city.

The facts that were given in the book, by which further advancement of our country by the path of modernisation and digitization of economy, improvement of government, rise of human capital through development of science, education, culture, public health services, sports and tourism were noted, characterise dynamism of the policy of Hero-Arkadag by the initiative of whom, strategic programs of social and economic development aimed at fullest realisation of many-sided potential of our fatherland for well-being and happiness of people are successfully carried out.

A number of materials of the edition are devoted to issues of implementation of large building projects, transformations in the architectural-town-planning shape of the capital and velayats of the country.

Here one can also find data on significant events in spheres of science, education, public health services and sports, cultural actions, international forums and exhibitions. A special place takes the theme of preservation and popularisation of national heritage. The reform of national education system and science is strategically approved, scientifically well-founded, complex political policy of Hero-Arkadag. Being powerful reformative force of social development, they play the major role in the country’s life, serve as a key factor to join the ranks of developed states of the world.

The attention of reader's audience will be involved also with the materials opening key aspects of international initiatives of Hero-Arkadag, the creative foreign policy of the country based on principles of neutrality, promotion of development of culture of the world and trust on the planet. “I am convinced that there is no such problem, such issue, which we could not solve together, openly and confidentially expressing our positions, taking into account interests each other, relying on centuries-old experience of good neighbourhood and respectfulness, great variety of humanitarian and human bonds, generality of culture, spirituality and traditions”, - Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov marks.

The meetings summit talks with heads of states and governments and also with heads of various international corporations and companies held in 2021 and highlighted in the book, became a visual evidence of the fact. By their results, over two hundred intergovernmental documents were signed and important arrangements opening new possibilities in development of constructive international relations and mutually beneficial economic partnership of Turkmenistan with neighbours in the region and other countries of the world were reached.

Pages of the collection comprise the photo chronicle illustrating achievements of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

The year 2021 has entered annals of the fatherland as the year full of significant events of national and international level, brought new bright strokes in the active political life of the country with a view of increase of the role and authority of Turkmenistan on the world scene. That year became an important boundary, which summed up a 30-year-old sovereign development of our native land and outlined new goals in its further forward development.

Published in Turkmen, Russian and English languages, the book is supplied with references where nominal and geographical indexes and the list of abbreviations are provide. 

The next volume of the edition “Towards new heights of progress” has a huge theoretical and practical significance for further creative development of national science, especially history, political science, social science and also for a deep understanding of purposes and tasks of the policy of Turkmenistan and is of interest for a wide range of readers.

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