The extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 08.07.2022

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to sum up the outcome of activities of sectors of the national economy complex for the past six months and to discuss the course of realization of presidential and other programs for socio-economic development of the country and to outline priority goals for the second half of the year.

Turning to consideration of issues on the agenda of the meeting, the head of the state first gave the floor to Minister of Finance and Economy M.Serdarov, who reported on fulfilment of state and local budgets as well as on the outcome of work held in the first half of the year with a view of solution of priority goals of the financial and budget policy.

As was reported, the revenue part of the main financial plan for the accounting period was fulfilled by 100, 5 percent, expenditures – 98, 7 percent.

For January-June of 2022 a total of 48 meetings of balance commissions, including 34 regional ones were held.

The volume of capital investment aimed at development of national economy at the expense of all sources of financing in relation to GDP made up 14 percent.

By the outcome of the reporting period, 43, 7 percent of capital investment was directed to construction of production complexes and 56, 3 percent to construction of social and cultural projects.

As of July 1 of the current year, within the framework of implementation of the national rural redevelopment program, construction of 3 hospitals, 125,6 kilometers of engineering networks and projects, 246,5 thousand square meters of housing was completed. At present, the work at various social, cultural, production and infrastructure projects continues.

Further, Chairman of the State Statistics Committee D.Amanmuhammedov reported on economic indicators of ministries and sectoral departments for six months of 2022, according to which a steady growth of sectors is observed.

Stable indicators were also observed in the transport and communications sector and it was confirmed by the volumes of cargo and passenger transportation by all modes of transport. The volume of services provided increased by 7, 7 percent.

In the agricultural complex as compared with the relevant period of 2021, the production of vegetables, berries, fruits, meat and eggs grew remarkably.

Preparation for the upcoming complete population and housing census to be held under the motto “The population census 2022: Solidarity, Happiness, Bright future” in December of the current year became a separate topic of report.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet M.Muhammedov reported on the macroeconomic indicators for the first half of the current year.

Complex measures aimed at ensuring sustainable development of all sectors of economy and regions were taken in the past period. The pace of growth of GDP, which rose by 6 percent, can serve a good example for it.

As a whole, the volume of goods produced as compared to the same period of 2021, grew by 11, 5 percent.

For six months of the current year, the indicator of retail turnover as compared with the same period of the past year, grew more than 10, 4 percent and foreign trade turnover by 40 percent.

The rates of salaries by large and medium size enterprises of the country as compared to the relevant period of 2021, grew by 10, 4 percent. Salaries, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships were financed fully.

The Deputy-Chairman also reported on the results of the work carried out jointly with relevant ministries, sectoral departments, khyakimliks of regions and Ashgabat city to prepare the draft of the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for socio-economic development of the country for 2022–2028”.

Besides it, the report on the draft of the National program of the President of Turkmenistan for transformation of social and living condition of villages, settlements, cities of districts and district centres for the period up to 2028 was also delivered.

The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet also reported on the results of analysis of preliminary estimations of financial and economic activities of ministries and sectoral departments prepared within the framework of the draft of the state budget for the next year. According to the document, it is expected to increase the rates of salaries of employees of institutions and enterprises, pensions and state allowances of citizens, scholarships of students and learners from January 1 of 2023. In this connection, for consideration of the head of the state the draft of the relevant Decree was submitted.

Further, in the meeting President Serdar Berdimuhamedov released M.Muhammedov from the post of the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, who was responsible for economic, banking and international financial organizations’ affairs in connection with his transfer to another position.

Having appointed Kh.Geldimyradov, who was released from the post of Rector of the Turkmen state institute of economy and management, to this post, the head of the state signed the relevant Decree.

Further, the President of the country addressed Deputy-Chairman Kh.Geldimyradov and heads of ministries and sectoral departments. having noted that by the end of the year, one should successfully fulfil all the marked work, the head of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to hold jointly with other Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet a meeting on issues of the start of realization of Programs adopted at today’s meeting and on the draft of the State budget for the next year.

The head of Turkmenistan instructed them to complete the work on the state budget of the next year and send its draft for consideration of the Milli Gengesh. An emphasis was made, according to the Decree of the President of the country, on taking into account the increase in rates of salaries, pensions, student scholarships, state allowances and a number of other social benefits in the main financial plan as well as directing funds for construction of housing of the people in need in every district and city.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Sh.Abdrahmanov reported on the outcome of work of sectors under his supervision for six months of the current year.

He informed on technical and economic indicators reached in particular, by “Türkmennebit” State Concern in oil production and fulfilment of the plan by 100, 7 percent.

The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported that oil and gas condensate production was fulfilled by 111,5 percent, oil refining-112,1 percent, petrol production–132,9 percent, diesel fuel–115,9 percent, polypropylene–153,7 percent, lubricant oils –105,4 percent , liquefied gas –118,6 percent.

For the accounting period, fulfilment of the plan for production of natural gas and accompanying gas made up 112,3 percent, export of the “blue fuel” – 122,4 percent. As compared with the relevant period of the past year, the pace of growth of development of investment reached 161, 8 percent.

Having summed up the report, the President of Turkmenistan gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions for modernization of work of enterprises of the oil and gas complex with a view of efficient use of natural riches and resources of the country. In addition to it, the importance of extensive introduction of modern digital technologies in production and creation of new workplaces was marked.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov reported on the outcome of activities of subordinate construction, industrial and energy complexes, “Türkmenhimiýa” State Concern and State Agency for Roads Construction Management for the first half of the current year.

For the accounting period, the plan for production and work in the construction and industrial sector was fulfilled by 153, 1 percent.

By the Ministry of Construction and Architecture the work plan for January-June of this year was fulfilled by 114, 5 percent.

In 2022, the motto of which is “The epoch of people with Arkadag“, by the country it is planned to construct sand commission into operation a total of 52 projects, of which 18 have been already commissioned into operation.

Ministry of Industry and Construction Production fulfilled production and work plan by 170, 4 percent.

For the period from the beginning of the year, by the Ministry of Energy the production and work plan was fulfilled by 127,5 percent.

The pace of growth of generation of power energy made up 114 percent, its export –144, 1 percent.

By the outcome of the first half of the current year, “Türkmenhimiýa” State Concern fulfilled its production and services plan by 181, 9 percent.

The production and work plan of the State Agency for Roads Construction Management was fulfilled by 102, 4 percent.

For January-June of 2022, the plan for development of capital investment by the construction and industrial complex of Turkmenistan was fulfilled by 166, 8 percent.

Having summed up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention of the Deputy-Chairman and relevant heads to upcoming important tasks. In particular, he instructed them to accelerate the analysis of the state of construction projects in the country. In this connection, the head of the state instructed them to ensure the high quality and timely commissioning of all planned projects into operation in the current year and to outline the construction program for 2023.

Further, Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency at the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on the activities of subordinate institutions for 6 months of the year.

For the accounting period, by the given complex the rate of growth of fulfilment of work and services provided was equal to 111, 3 percent.

The plan in the sphere of cargo transportation by motor road, railway, air, marine and river transport was fulfilled by 112, 7 percent, and by goods turnover – 110, 6 percent.

The rate of growth of production of services for January-June by “Türkmendemirýollary” Agency made up 111 percent, “Türkmenawtoulaglary” Agency – 132,1 percent, “Türkmenhowaýollary” – 108,6 percent, “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” Agency -108,3 percent, “Türkmen­aragatnaşyk” Agency – 107,7 percent.

Joint working groups of Turkmen-Uzbek and Türkmen-Kazakh commissions for transport and transit issues and logistics were established.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that our country located on the strategic crossroad of Central Asia and Europe, possesses an enormous potential for development of all modes of transport.

The President of the country drew the attention to the necessity to take measures for creation of modern transport corridors in airports of “Türkmenhowaýollary” Agency and an efficient use of air hubs as well as utmost use of transponder potential of artificial satellite “TürkmenÄlem 52°E”.

Further, in the extended meeting of the Government, the head of the state signed the Resolution on appointment of M.Chakyev a responsible official for Balkan region and gave the head of the Agency a number of instructions for successful solution of upcoming tasks in this area.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Atdayev reported on the outcome of work at subordinate ministries and trade departments and textile complexes as well as in the private sector for January-June of the current year.

By the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, as compared with the same period of the past year, the growth rate of trade turnover made up 100,3 percent, goods production – 105,6 percent.

As compared to the same period of the past year, the volume of production by enterprises of the Ministry of Textile, including cotton yarn and fabrics was equal relatively to 136 and 128,7 percent, garments and knitted goods – 115,8 percent , leather goods – 107,9 percent .

Fulfilment of the plan for production for carpet products at enterprises of “Türkmenhaly” State Corporation made up 116, 2 percent.

For the accounting period, the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange held 149 trade session at which 18 thousand 255 contracts were registered.

The growth rate by work carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for January –June made up 104, 1 percent.

By the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the growth rate of production of agricultural and food products for six months of the year reached 167,9 percent, industrial goods – 110,1 percent.

Addressing the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet and heads of the given complex, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to intensify the work on production of commodity goods, especially agricultural ones and instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to explore daily the state of affairs in supply of food products. In this regard, taking into account the situation in the world economy, one should improve supply of home market with foodstuffs and other essential commodities.

Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on the activity of subordinate sectors for the past six months of the year.

For the reporting period, events devoted to significant dates as well as creative meetings, scientific practical conferences, exhibitions and explanatory and promotional actions on the occasion of announcement of the motto of 2022 “The epoch of people with Arkadag“ were held. The Culture Week was held in Mary region.

With a view to promote the trade of dutar making, art of its performance and discovery of talented bards and musicians and their encouragement, the contest “Çalsana, bagşy!” was announced. The procedure for granting the legal status of “national and “academic” theatres to theatrical groups of the country was approved.

The capital hosted the theatre festival, presentation of new editions, including ones devoted to national culture and art. Concerts in honour of Day of workers of culture and art as well as poetry of Makhtumkuli Fragi were held in the building “Türkmeniň ak öýi” of Akhal region.

Having summed up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked the necessity of wide use of innovative technologies during cultural and mass public events and solemnities organized by cultural institutions as well as discovery and display of the spiritual heritage of Turkmen people in plays an national holidays.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet S.Toylyev reported on the work carried out in the spheres of education, science, healthcare and sports for the first half of the current year.

In the accounting period, realization of measures for improvement of educational activities, development of digital education continued. Textbooks and manuals were published.

The higher educational establishments of the country hosted online international internet Olympiads, competitions “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”, “Ýylyň terbiýeçisi-2022”, “Ýylyň mugallymy-2022”, “Talyp gözeli-2022”, the ceremony of the last bell.

The international scientific conference “Science, technology and innovative technologies in the New Epoch of the Powerful State” and awarding ceremony of winners of the competition of research projects among the youth of Turkmenistan were held.

The work on different areas of medicine continued in medical and preventive treatment facilities of the country. In accordance with the Resolution of the head of the state, a start was given to construction of the enterprise for processing of liquorice root and production of glycyrrhizic acid and the National Program for the Turning of Turkmenistan into a Tobacco-Free Country for 2022-2025 was approved.

The solemn opening of the multipurpose hospital in Turkmenbashi city and the oncology hospital in Dashoguz city was held.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov released Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, who supervised issues of science, education, healthcare, sports, youth and public affairs S.Toylyev from his post.

The head of the state appointed N.Amannepesov Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, who supervises spheres of science, education, healthcare, sports, youth and public affairs and released him from the post of minister of health and medical industry.

Having wished N.Amannepesov success at his new post, the President of Turkmenistan also informed on his appointment a responsible official for Mary region.

In the meeting, the head of the state appointed A.Germanov minister of health and medical industry and released him from the post of deputy minister of the given ministry.

Further, the head of the state appointed A.Atabayeva Rector of the Turkmen state institute of economy and management and released her from the post of deputy khyakim of Mary region.

A.Atabayeva expressed her sincere acknowledgement to Arkadagly Serdar for the high trust.

The President of Turkmenistan also informed that in connection with his transfer to another post, he releases D.Myradov from the post of Rector of the Turkmen agricultural university named after S.A.Niyazov and appoints A.Gapurov, who was released from the post of Rector of the Turkmen agricultural institute, to this post.

The head of the state appointed D.Yolow Rector of the Turkmen state agricultural institute and released him from the post of Pro-rector of the Turkmen state institute of architecture and construction for scientific affairs.

In the meeting President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on approval of enrolment plans of students for the Public Service Academy at the President of Turkmenistan, admission into higher and secondary professional educational institutions for 2022 as well as approval of the staff of the State Commission for Admission into higher and secondary professional educational institutions.

Further, Arkadagly Serdar addressing Deputy-Chairman N.Amannepesov and relevant heads, made an emphasis on the end of the academic year and drew attention to the necessity of well preparation for the new academic year in addition to entrance examinations. In secondary and higher educational establishments one should carry out light and capital repair work. In health centres one should organize summer recreation activities of children, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported on the outcome of activities of MFA for January-June of the current year.

In development of constructive cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats a special significance is given to visits, meetings and talks at high levels. In this connection, it was pointed out that in April of the current year, the President of the Republic of India made a state visit to Turkmenistan. In June the head of the state made official visits to the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Sixth Caspian Summit under the chairmanship of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held in Ashgabat on June 29 with participation of Presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation became an important event.

Our country invariably demonstrates a responsible and initiative approach to cooperation within the framework of the UN. In this regard, it was marked that on June 7, Turkmenistan was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.

One of the priority areas of foreign policy of our fatherland is to strengthen mutually beneficial relations by channels of parliaments. An efficient step in this area was made by the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of Central Asia countries and the Russian Federation held in Ashgabat in May.

A systematic character is typical of bilateral consultations between MFA. From the beginning of the year a number of meetings were held in the given area.

Successive steps are also taken to develop foreign economic relations of the fatherland. As was pointed out, on February 23, 2022, in the regular meeting of the General Council of the World Trade Organization in Geneva (Swiss Confederation) Turkmenistan was granted the status of observer (“active observer”) of WTO.

Besides it, on March 15 of the current year, Turkmenistan was elected a member of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) for the period of 2022-2028.

Having summed up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that realizing the peace-loving, creative foreign policy strategy, our neutral fatherland will further expand its multifaceted cooperation both in bilateral and multilateral formats. Developing traditionally friendly relations with neighbouring countries, Turkmenistan also steadily strengthens a fruitful dialogue with states located in other regions of the planet.

Further, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs reported on the issue of approval of the Concept of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022–2028, which was submitted for consideration of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Having heard the report and having approved the given Concept, the head of the state noted that it stipulates new goals and approaches to realization of foreign policy of Turkmenistan for the upcoming seven years which are based on five strategic areas of foreign policy of our neutral fatherland.

Along with it, one should develop and submit for consideration proposals on organization of various international events with participation of Turkmenistan. One should also prepare properly for international events planned in our country for this year and ensure their high organizational level, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked and signed the Resolution on approval of the submitted Concept giving the Deputy-Chairman, head of MFA a number of concrete instructions.

Further, the floor was given to khyakim of Ashgabat city R.Gandymov, who reported on the results of work of relevant institutions in the capital for six months. In the accounting period, subordinate self-financing enterprises and organizations of the city khyakimlik fulfilled the plan for work and services by 120, 2 percent. For the past six months the plan for development of investment funds was fulfilled by 113, 4 percent.

This year, it is planned to commission into operation in the capital 8 various projects. At present, construction activities are carried out properly. At construction of production and social projects in districts of Ashgabat great attention is given to the quality of work and timely commissioning of projects into operation.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the necessity of successful realization of socio-economic programs, investment projects, further accomplishment of architectural look of the capital, maintenance of more favourable conditions for life, work, and recreation of citizens, continuation of construction of highly convenient residential houses, creation of new parks and squares.

In connection with the season of summer holidays, the President of Turkmenistan instructed to continue construction of modern facilities on the banks of the capital lake “Altyn köl” as well as realization of projects of the 17th stage of buildings of the capital and new modern residential complex “Ashgabat city”.

Further, at the extended meeting of the Cabinet, reports of heads of administrations of regions were heard.

The first floor was given to khyakim of Akhal region Ya. Gurbanov, who reported on the fulfilled work, outcome of grain harvest, care of cotton as well as realization of the national rural redevelopment program.

The region carries out due work to harvest the wheat grown on 195 thousand hectares of land and its transportation to reception points and grain processing enterprises are well organized. Simultaneously the fields freed from wheat are ploughed and planned. All the work for preparation of fields of the next year is carried out strictly in accordance with agro-technical standards.

The khyakim also reported that this year 135 thousand hectares of land was sown with cotton in the region. At present, the inter-row cultivation and fertilization with minerals are carried out properly. Preventive measures are taken to control pests of agricultural plants.

Khyakim of Balkan region T.Atahallyev reported on the work carried out for six months in the western region and results of the wheat harvesting campaign as well as measures taken for efficient realization of the National rural redevelopment program.

The region also carries out the harvest of potato, vegetables and gourds and at the same time, preparation for plantation of autumn varieties of agricultural crops is carried out duly.

The khyakim also reported on the state of work at construction of various projects in the territory of the region and measures taken to accelerate the pace of work there.

Further, khyakim of Dashoguz region N.Nazarmyradov reported on the state of affairs in the northern region, the outcome of the first half of the year. He also reported on the course of work in wheat and cotton fields and fulfilment of the national rural redevelopment program.

For steady realization of reforms initiated by the head of the state in the agro-industrial complex and strengthening of food abundance of profile institutions of the region a well-coordinated work is carried out.

Khyakim of Lebap region Sh.Amangeldiev reported on the work fulfilled in the first half of the current year and wheat harvest as well as care taken of cotton fields and solution of tasks proceeding from the national rural redevelopment program.

In his turn, khyakim of Mary region D.Annaberdiev reported on the outcome of work carried out in the first half of the year. At that, it was pointed out that under the leadership of the head of the state, the dynamic socio-economic development of regions of the country, realization of large scale programs called to ensure the high living standards of people continue.

It was reported that at the same time along with the harvest of wheat, the planning and ploughing of fields freed from crops are carried out. The proper care of cotton fields, including inter-row cultivation, fertilization and irrigation taking into account the agro-technical standards are also ensured.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov appointed A.Orazov deputy khyakim of Mary region who supervises educational, cultural, healthcare and sports affairs and released him from the post of deputy khyakim of Ak bugday district of Akhal region and signed the relevant Resolution.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet A.Yazmyradov reported on the outcome of work carried out at sectors under his supervision in the first half of the year and agricultural activities held in regions of the country.

By the agro-industrial complex, the rate of growth of total production volume as compared with the same period of the past year, made up 110, 1 percent. By the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection the given indicator reached 110,7 percent, State Water Economy Committee– 104,1 percent , “Türkmen atlary” State Association – 103,4 percent.

The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet also reported on indicators of production of foodstuffs in the country. In particular, it was informed that fulfilment of the plan for vegetables made up 114, 8 percent, gourds – 118, 3 percent, potato – 120, 7 percent. By development of investments, the plan was fulfilled by 163, 3 percent.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet and khyakims of the regions and heads of the agricultural complex concrete instructions for intensification of work aimed at realization of adopted programs for development of agriculture, especially, increase in the volume of cotton production.

Up to date, diligent wheat growers have gathered over 20 centners of grain per hectare and it enables to supply the population with flour, bread and bread products fully. Speaking of the ongoing wheat harvest, the head of the state underlined that he expects selfless work of agriculturists and higher results and achievements. The President of Turkmenistan also instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to continue work on wheat harvesting till the last grain.

Further, the floor was given to Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova, who first informed the head of Turkmenistan on the good news of Declaration adopted by the outcome of the Dialogue of women of Central Asian countries and Russia held in Ashgabat in May of the current year and its recognition as document of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly and informed on legislation activity carried out from the beginning of the year.

For 6 months the Mejlis held 2 meetings and adopted a total of 39 laws and resolutions, in particular, 23 laws of Turkmenistan and 16 resolutions. It included laws connected with amendments and additions to acting legislative documents concerning improvement of social and living standards of citizens, support of small and medium businesses, and safety of road traffic.

In accordance with priory areas of state policy in working commissions established in the Mejlis with participation of representatives of ministries and sectoral departments the draft of the Law of Turkmenistan “On the state youth policy” is developed on the basis of analysis and study of proposals received from citizens, employed in various spheres, young specialists, population.

Within the framework of international and inter-parliamentary cooperation 18 meetings were held in the Mejlis, 10 business trips were organized to foreign countries. Deputies and specialists of the Mejlis took part in 75 seminars, working meetings organized jointly with relevant ministries, structural divisions of the UN and other authoritative international organization and devoted to improvement of legislative activity.

Members of the Mejlis during their working trips to regions of the country took part in meetings held in district and city khyakimliks and connected with methodological support of work on consideration of appeals of citizens as well as explanation of legislation, advocacy of national traditions and customs of Turkmen people, family values.

Deputy-Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh K.Babaev informed on the complex work carried out from the beginning of the year to improve the legal basis of the country in accordance with the tasks set before the national parliament.

According to the instructions of the head of the state and program approved by Hero Arkadag of March 1 in the course of the meeting with members of the Milli Gengesh, new laws are developed and laws in force are improved.

Two meetings of the first convocation of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh were held and legislative documents and relevant resolutions on issues of protection of human rights and freedoms, road safety, customs work, tax service, international relations and others were adopted unanimously.

The Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan made working visits to Balkan, Akhal, Dashoguz and Lebap regions. Having familiarized himself with topical social tasks in regions, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave valuable advice and admonishments on further work in these areas and put new tasks before members of the Khalk Maslakhaty.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that adoption of the Declaration by the outcome of the successfully held large scale forum in the capital as document of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly is a recognition of the foreign policy and initiatives of Turkmenistan by the international community and regular evidence of the growth of authority of our fatherland on the world arena as well as happy news for all Turkmen nationals.

Further, the head of the state drew attention to the necessity of further intensification of process of development and improvement of national legislation that will enable to take steady steps for optimization of the political system and strengthening of economy of the country.

Further, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on the foreign policy of Turkmenistan which remains unchanged. Like before, our country actively cooperates with the UN and other large international organizations and maintains close collaboration in solution of issues of ensuring energy, and water security and ecology.

The large scale construction of production and social projects continues. So, at present, about 2 thousand 900 projects with a total cost of over 38 billion US dollars are under construction.

In accordance with the National rural redevelopment program of the President of Turkmenistan for the accounting period over 1 billion 300 million manats of capital investment were used. For the past half year, 30 large projects, housing with a total area of 322 thousand square meters, including houses with high modern conveniences with a total cost of about 900 million manats were constructed and commissioned, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction.

The planned quantity of industrial projects, residential houses, secondary and nursery schools and other buildings were built and commissioned.

According to the marked plans, the policy of diversification of delivery of Turkmen energy resources to work markets is realized. The project of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline and other regional projects are successfully implemented.

Within the framework of diversification of the national economy state programs for development of import replacing products, increase in the volume of export of local goods, creation of electronic industry are implemented efficiently. Speaking of it, the head of Turkmenistan also stressed the necessity of intensification of efforts to decrease the share of the state in economy and expansion of the share of the private sector in it.

Having summed up the outcome of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked that today the personnel issues were touched upon. A number of documents aimed at development of sectors of national economy were adopted.

Having stated that indicators of the past six months were satisfactory as a whole, the head of the state instructed heads of ministries and sectoral departments to hold meetings on the results of work carried out in the past six months in the upcoming days.

The President of Turkmenistan also informed that from August 1 to September 1 senior officials will be granted holidays during which they can rest in Avaza, Archman, Yilysuw and other health resorts of the country. At that, the head of the state pointed out that Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet A.Yazmyradov, who supervises the agro-industrial complex and heads of the agricultural sector can take holidays after completion of the grain harvesting campaign.

Further, addressing participants of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the fact that on July 9–10–11 our country marks the Gurban bayramy. In this connection, the head of the state signed the relevant Decree which envisages transfer of the day off from July 10 to Tuesday, July 12.

With a view of organization of this nationwide holiday at high level, all heads and especially law enforcement bodies were instructed to organize additional duty of related services.

Having sincerely congratulated his compatriots with the holy Gurban bayramy, the head of the state conveyed his best wishes to all.

Other important issues were also considered and relevant decisions were adopted in the meeting.

Having concluded the extended meeting of the Cabinet, the President of Turkmenistan wished its participants sound health, family wellbeing, and great successes for further progress of our sovereign fatherland.

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