Events of the week
Concern for people’s welfare – a key aspect of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s policy
Events of the week
Concern for people’s welfare – a key aspect of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s policy
Published 30.05.2022

Assurance of the Motherland’s sustainable development, further improvement of the people’s social and living conditions in towns and villages, growth in their living standards – are the pivots of the state policy course pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in Turkmenistan, systematic realization of which resulted in cardinal reformation of branches of the national economy complex, transition to digital system, creation of new workplaces.

Implementation of the tasks ensuing from the programs of socioeconomic development of velayats , as well as the implementation progress of seasonal agri-works were in the focus of the working digital session the head of state conducted on May 23.

Comprehensive measures are countrywide ongoing to adequately treat and look after the arable land areas planted to cotton, potato and other vegetable-cucurbitaceous crops, to ensure timely and well-organized startup of the grain-harvesting campaign.

The cocoon-production season is nearing completion. Silkworm breeders of Lebap and Mary velayats were the first to fulfill their contractual obligations, having produced 1,010 and over 440 tons respectively of the valuable raw material for textile industry.

Having extended congratulations to silkworm breeders on their labor victory, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has highlighted that not the least important is implementation of other tasks set.

Side by side with works on monitoring the fields planted to cotton, it is necessary to set in motion the agri-machinery and equipment at full capacity. Troubles and irregularities in supply of daikhans with mineral fertilizers are to be excluded. Agri-producers are to be supplied with pesticides and insecticides.

Necessitating conducting of the grain-harvesting campaign as an important and well-organized measure, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave concrete assignments pertaining to trouble-free functioning of grain combines and motor transport vehicles. Control over the implementation progress of the grain-harvesting campaign is imposed on special commissions.

On May 24, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the Executive Director of “Turkmenistan-USA” Business Council Eric Stuart and Chief Executive Director and a member of Board of Directors of “Nicklaus Companies” Company John Ries.

In the course of meeting, consideration was given to the present state and prospects for the bilateral contacts advancement. As was noted, all through the 30-year period, since the day of establishing diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the USA, vast experience of cooperative activity was accumulated.

Trade-economic sphere, fuel-and-energy sector, transport and communications, agriculture, renewable energy, chemical and food industries, ecology were ranked among the priority directions of cooperation.

Sport was also considered as a new point of reciprocal interests’ application. Highly evaluating successes of our country in the sphere of physical culture and record-high sports, the businessmen evinced interest in rendering support in the long term in advancing in Turkmenistan of such popular sport discipline as golf.

On May 26, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a holiday trip to Dashoguz velayat to get acquainted with the construction progress of Balkan-Dashoguz power transmission air line (PTL) and with the state of affairs in the livestock sector and arable land areas of the northern region.

In the territory of the 500kV PTL construction site, presentation was held of a number of projects of the power-engineering branch to be realized in the nearest years in order to create the country’s ring energy system.

The projects and diagrams of the energy system and its export-orientated directions, as well as volumes and routes of the Turkmen energy to be exported to neighboring countries, were also submitted to the President of Turkmenistan for consideration. Besides, presentation included also the diagrams and projects of redirecting management systems of the Dashoguz and Akhal state-run power plants to the combined control, location site of the 10 MW solar-wind power plant in Serdar etrap of Balkan velayat, and the general plan and project of the Power Equipment Maintenance Center in Byuzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat.

Commissioning of the Balkan-Dashoguz power transmission air line will promote formation in the country of a single energy ring system, which, in turn, along with reliable supply of energy to domestic consumers, will stipulate an increase of Motherland’s export potential. In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has authorized the officials concerned to address words of gratitude to the workers of the branch for their diligent and meritorious labor.

The head of state also visited the livestock farm “Garagum”, Gyorogly etrap, talked to a shepherd-camel-breeder who was working on the take-on-lease basis, evinced interest in his labor conditions, state of the herd and local pastures, as well as in his family life. In the talk, the health-promoting use of camel milk and its products chal and agaran, as well as of the made-of-camel-hair articles was discussed.

Having stressed that the state will always pay attention to systematic improvement of labor and life conditions of rural people, including livestock breeders, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has extended to the shepherd wishes of success and presented him with gifts.

Then, from the helicopter board, the President of Turkmenistan got acquainted with the state of irrigational systems in the arable land areas of Dashoguz velayat.

Nowadays, construction is in progress of a large artificial water body in one of the most advantageous sections of the valley between the rivers of Shasenem and Turkmen, which originate from the Dueboyun reservoir.

Having shown interest in the measures taken on improving water supply of land areas of velayat and rational use of water resources, the head of state has exhorted to continue comprehensive work aimed at successful tackling of the tasks in the sphere of food security safeguarding and improvement of reclamation state of the arable land areas. In this context, not the least important is to implement reconstruction of irrigation systems of arable lands and water-supply structures, as well as construction of new water reservoirs.

On May 26, in Dashoguz, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov conducted an off-site session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which was focused on the issues of socioeconomic development of the country’s northern region.

It was stressed that in the years ahead, in the frames of the 7-year Presidential Program, implementation of the following projects is envisaged: modernization of gas-chemical and energy sectors, light industry and construction materials branch through drawing large investments in all spheres of the industrial complex; widespread adoption in the economy of innovatory and digital technologies; diversification of the processing industry.

Among the tasks of primary importance worth of noting were – effective use of the transport-logistics system potential; increase of volumes of transit and multimodal cargo traffic; development of agriculture and concomitant branches through upgrading of the agri-lands management system in the territory of velayat and introduction of water-saving technologies; implementation of works on enhancement of arable land areas; growth of foodstuff production.

In the frames of the Presidential Rural Areas Redevelopment Program for the period until 2027, construction is projected of new objects and facilities in Dashoguz velayat.

It was noted that as of now, in the frames of the budgeting-of-capital-needs program, construction of 48 buildings is funded (20 – social objects and 28- industrial ones); in the running year, commissioning of 7 objects is projected. Besides, construction of residential houses, comprehensive secondary education schools, kindergarten, modern recreation park for children, passenger bus terminal is ongoing at accelerated paces.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has highlighted the necessity of keeping works going directed at raising the level of the northern region’s socioeconomic development, cardinal improvement of the people’s quality of life. The goal-oriented use of investment capitals built into the current year’s investment program and construction rates of new production complexes should be in the focus of permanent attention.

In the within-named 7-year Presidential Program, not the least important is to foresee practical steps on the country’s all-round development, construction of modern complexes and creation of additional workplaces with a glance to the geographic location and natural resources of each of velayats, the head of state noted.

Special consideration was given to the ongoing work on advancement of cooperation of Turkmenistan with foreign partners in the sphere of environment protection and provision of ecological security in the Aral Sea region.

In this regard, given the ongoing global climate change, of particular importance is the working out of optimum decisions of the Aral-associated tasks, including introduction and enactment in our country in association with international organizations of advanced technologies in this sphere.

Having approved the proposals avowed, the head of Turkmenistan has stressed the necessity to keep under control realization of program measures aimed at ensuring ecological safety and sustainable development in PriAralye and, in general, at bettering of socioeconomic and ecological situation in the region.

At the session, information was presented about keeping work going on improving water supply in Dashoguz velayat and about preparation to the grain-harvesting campaign in the regions of the country.

Having blessed startup of the grain-harvesting campaign in Akhal, Lebap, and Mary velayats on June 3 and in Dashoguz velayat – on June 10, the head of state addressed his wish “Let your harvest be bounteous!” to the diligent, hard-working farmers.

At the session, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Ukase on conferring the honorary degree “Honored Carpet-Maker” on the foremost carpet-makers of the country.

After signing the Resolution on making contract between «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern and «Uzkimyoimpeks» Limited Liability Company, the head of state has exhorted the officials concerned to pay particular attention to increasing the volumes and gamut of the home-made highly-acclaimed chemical produce.

Having placed accent on the necessity of further increasing production and processing volumes of oil and natural gas, on forging cooperative relations with all interested foreign partners, and realization of new joint projects, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution “On purchasing of the hoisting equipment and spare parts used in drilling of side wells”.

Besides, last week, the head of state signed the Resolution on exhorting the Ministry of Finance and Economy to develop the drafts of the State Budget-2023, Major Directions of Socioeconomic Development, and Investment Program of the country and submit them to the Cabinet of Ministers until November 1, 2022.

On May 27, while being on the holiday trip to Dashoguz velayat, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the solemn ceremony of at-a-time commissioning of the two 1,331-job significant objects – multifield and oncology hospitals, built in the administrative center of the country’s northern region.

The new medical entities are tooled with advanced high-technological equipment manufactured by leading companies of Germany, France, Italy, Japan, USA, and Kingdom of the Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain, and others.

All conditions for high-performance work of the personnel are created in the hospitals. Specialists, who will work there, were repeatedly trained at the advanced study courses in the central medical entities of our country, State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after M. Garryev, as well as in the progressive clinics of Turkey and Russia.

Making speech at the ceremony of clinics’ commissioning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has noted that in Turkmenistan tremendous attention is given to protecting and strengthening of people’s health, to assertion of healthy life style, and timely disease prevention and treatment.

32 functional departments of the 450-bed multifield hospital (being without parallel in the region) are expected to render high-quality and various medical services.

The President of Turkmenistan got acquainted with medical hardware and apparatuses of some departments and laboratories, conditions created for the patients and for work of physicians.

Technical and technological level of the multifield hospital together with high level of proficiency of the carefully-selected medical personnel enable to effectively make early detection of disease and start timely treatment, and accordingly – to save patients’ lives and rehabilitate them in the shortest time period.

The head of state has also familiarized with innovatory hardware of the new oncology center assigned to render effective help in making diagnoses and disease treatment in tune with world standards.

The 150-bed oncology hospital meets fully its high status, having in its disposal all services and high-technological equipment, which enable to make operative treatment, chemical and comprehensive therapy.

Using a special video, the physician has demonstrated to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov the latest, innovatory product from the U.S. progressive manufacturer of medical hardware – “VARAN” Company, which enables to treat sore cells only, at the same time protecting the neighboring civilized ones.

As of now, the product is the latest equipment applied for treating malignant neoplasm, which evoked global interest due to its short-term positive impact.

There is electronic system in the clinic, which affords to maintain vast systematic contacts, exchange practical and theoretical information with other clinics, use the possibilities of tele-medicine.

The new health facilities were awarded international certificates of famous companies «KTQ International GmbH» (The Federative Republic of Germany) and «Philips Medical Systems» (Kingdom of the Netherlands), which confirmed high quality of clinics, their full compliance with world standards of ecology safety and high-technological medical equipment.

To commemorate the remarkable event, the head of Turkmenistan made an entry in the Distinguished Guests Book and presented the collective of the multifield oncology hospital with keys to the specialized motor vehicles.

That same day, the workers of health system of the country’s northern region were presented with one more gift – the keys to new apartments. The two four-story high-risers, which were commissioned in S.A. Niyazov etrap, are replete with every modern comfort. Total area of the 4-room apartment is over 200 sq m, three-room – about 170 sq m. The neighborhoods with adventure playground are fully improved and landscaped.

Pending the review, worth of noting is the fact that the issues of interparliamentary cooperation were in the focus of the May-23 telephone talk between Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh, Honorary Elder of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation Farid Muhametshin.

The Hero-Arkadag has extended to his colleague congratulations on his 75th jubilee and wishes of long life, splendid health, family wealth, and success in work.

Having confirmed the Turkmen side’s interest in invariable enhancement of interparliamentary interaction, Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation to pay a visit to Turkmenistan whenever it will be convenient to him, being sure that the visit will add a new impulse to the development of bilateral ties.

On May 25, on behalf of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted meetings with a number of foreign guests, who congratulated the head of state and Arkadag on the countrywide celebrated Ashgabat Day holiday.

The cooperation-favored plans in the energy and financial spheres, in the agriculture, digital systems and sports were broached for discussion in the course of meeting with the Executive Director of “Turkmenistan-USA” Business Council Eric Stuart and Chief Executive Director and a member of Board of Directors of “Nicklaus Companies” John Ries.

The prospects for further mutuality-based partnership in the context of the ongoing in our country large-scale transformative programs oriented to widespread adoption of advanced technologies and innovatory initiatives were discussed at the meeting of Chairman of the “Interbudmontazh” Construction Association Board Vladimir Petruk, who has confirmed the Company’s interest in realization of new joint projects in the industry and civil engineering sphere.

In the course of meeting with Chairman of the “Altcom” Financial-Industrial Group Board of Directors Alexander Tislenko, consideration was given to the possibilities for further enhancement of productive cooperation in construction of different-purpose objects and transport infrastructure, bridges in particular.

On May 25, school-leavers of Turkmenistan celebrated the “Ends of Pens” Day. The holiday program included various festive measures and events dedicated to the completion of the academic year.

Ashgabat was the center of major festive measures. Early in the morning, the best school-leavers and representatives of education sphere laid the splendid bouquets of spring flowers to the magnificent Independence Monument – a symbol of the Motherland’s newest history, and to the monument to Berdimuhamed Annayev installed in the secondary school #27 of Yzgant village (Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat).

On behalf of the head of state, excellent students, who took part in different sport competitions and Olympiads, creative competitions and amateur performances and showcases, were presented with keepsakes.

In his cordial parting Address to school-leavers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has stressed that the youth, convinced in the Motherland’s veneration, proud of its past and present, confident in the bright future of their country, – is our future.

In the new historical epoch, you are to confidently stride towards lofty goals, increasing might and global glory of independent Motherland, which our eminent ancestors had dreamed of for a long time. In your course of life, inspired with our happy epoch, getting knowledge, studying, working and striving for perfection, you are to show yourselves as the goal-directed generation of creators and builders, - the head of state noted.

That same day, our beautiful white-marble capital celebrated its “Town Day” holiday. The achievements gained and prospects for further development of the country’s main town in the sphere of town-building, industry, social, scientific and cultural spheres were demonstrated at the XXI Universal International Exhibition “White city of Ashgabat”.

The showcase was a vivid illustration of Turkmenistan’s town-building policy successful realization and contribution of different branches into realization of state programs aimed at further growth of people’s well-being, creation of adequate conditions for labor and recreation of the people.

In the halls and platforms of the Exhibition Center, the achievements gained were demonstrated by the enterprises of sectoral ministries and departments, as well as by domestic entrepreneurs and foreign companies – the participators of the unprecedented state town-building program assigned to make the capital better and cozier.

The content and visual informativeness of Exhibition were oriented first and foremost to the by-now demand-driven in Turkmenistan spheres of cooperation from construction and architecture to power engineering, processing and light industry, design, from modernization of urban infrastructure to advancement of culture sphere, tourism and sports.

On display were also the latest technologies, which could have already been adopted in Turkmenistan in the shortest space of time.

The Main Drama Theater named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashy the Great hosted a solemn ceremony of closing the festival “Turkmen dramatic art”. Having united the artists of the capital and velayat theaters and the State Circus, the ceremony has become a remarkable event in the social-cultural life of the country.

During four days, theater shows and performances, the brightest works of actors, stage directors, scenography specialists of the country’s theater collectives of our country were demonstrated at the best stages of the Turkmen capital.

At the sessions and meetings, which were held in the frames of the creative showcases, consideration was given to the present-day tendencies and prospects for development of the national theater art, its role in keeping of the national culture.

On solution of the competent creative jury, the first place was conferred on the Main Drama Theater named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashy the Great for the performance «Watan buýsanjy – Jelaleddin soltan», the second place – to the National Music-Drama Theater named after Magtymguly for the «Nuhuň gämisi» performance; the third position – to the National Drama Theater named after Alp Arslan for the «Türkmeniň ýoly» performance. The winners were presented with Memorable Cups of the Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan, gifts, and bright bouquets of flowers.

The diplomas and gifts in special nominations were also presented for the best male, female and child role, for the best scenarios, musical designs, works of stage directors and stage designers; consolation prizes were also conferred on a number of artists.

On May 28, Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Akhal velayat to get acquainted with construction progress of the new modern administrative center of the region, as well as held a working session dedicated to speeding up construction of the objects of this grandiose project.

On the past Sunday, the Turkmen Carpet Holiday was countrywide celebrated. The ceremonies of honoring of the foremost representatives of the branch, solemn meetings, sectoral exhibitions, scientific conferences, creative contests, concerts were timed to the Holiday.

On the eve of the Holiday, by the Resolution of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, the honorary title «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan halyçysy» was conferred on the skillful carpet-maker Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova for the merits in the development of the carpet-making art, decoration of carpets with magnificent patterns, many-year meritorious labor, and professional mastership.

Timed to the remarkable event, Opening in the Expo-Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of exhibition of Turkmenistan’s trade complex devoted to the development of carpet-making sphere, textile and trade branches was timed to the remarkable event.

The exposition included the newest patterns of the produce of domestic enterprises: food stuffs, industrial commodities, consumer goods, carpet items, etc.

Thus, the last week’s events were yet another vivid demonstration of success of the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s socially-orientated policy, which is buttressed by the country’s powerful economic potential, achievements of the scientific-technical progress, unique historical-cultural heritage and spiritual strength of the nation, energy and goal-directedness of the country’s young generation.

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