Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: The goal of realizable scale transformations – rise in the people’s standard of living
Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: The goal of realizable scale transformations – rise in the people’s standard of living
Published 23.01.2022

Upgrading of realization rates of the country’s industrial development projects initiated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, comprehensive development of velayats and the capital, advancement of large-scale architectural projects, revivification, protection and study of the national heritage and cultural-spiritual values, enhancement of international cooperation, further growth in prosperity of the people in the year proclaimed under the motto “Epoch of the people with Arkadag” – these were major subjects the past week’s events were concentrated on.

On January 17, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted an online working session dedicated to the implementation progress of reforms ongoing in the agri-industrial complex of the country.

In compliance with presidential Resolution “On zoning of agri-crops and regionalization of the output of products in 2022”, necessary work is ongoing in the regions on zoning of agri-crop production according to the species and on preparation of the area-under-crop (1million 403 thousand 120 hectares – total area) to the upcoming seeing campaign.

Besides, in tune with the within-named document, 106,000-hectare land area is planned to be planted to potato and cucurbitaceous crops, including 65,000 hectares – to spring crops, 41,000 hectares – to winter crops. Thus, in the running year, the land area under crop increased by 50,450 hectares.

In compliance with Resolution of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “On production of heavy yield of cotton in Turkmenistan in 2022”, the 580,000-hectare land area will be planted by this valuable technical crop; the anticipated yield of cotton is 1 million 250 thousand tons. Nowadays, the plowing of fields and comprehensive preparation to the seeding campaign are in progress in velayats.

At present, with a glance to weather conditions, the sodbusters conduct vegetative watering and fertilizing of fields (690,000 hectares) planted to cereals.

Besides, in tune with the Water Code of Turkmenistan, the work is ongoing to stipulate thrifty and rational use of water resources, supply of water to the population, agri-producers, industrial branch, and other water consumers.

In the course of meeting, the leader of nation has identified a number of tasks aimed at further reforming of the national AIC, increasing of output of agri-products and ensuring in the country of food abundance. To successfully cope with these tasks, not the least important is to knit scientific achievements and modern technologies to the rich national experience, modernize the sector’s infrastructure including the agri-food sector, and improve the selection activity.

On January 18, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Akhal velayat to get acquainted with implementation progress of the large-scale project – construction of the modern administrative center of the velayat.

Early in the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex, where recently a foal came into the world to continue the genealogy line of the legendary race horse Pereng.

On the proposal of the leader of nation, the foal was named Zaman – to signify that the great goals of new era (over subsequent 30 years) were realized with swiftness of a race horse.

Following the age-old noble traditions, with good wishes, the leader of nation tied alaja (a mascot-tape knit by his mother Ogulabat eje) round the foal’s neck.

On arrival to the construction site of the new administrative center of Akhal velayat, the head of state was in-detail introduced to the following projects: the “Akhal” monument; children’s recreation-rehabilitation center of Akhal velayat and kindergartens; the location sites of engineering systems and the objects of the road-transport infrastructure.

Construction of the Tejen-Mary section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed autobahn is among the projects and works implemented by members of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of Turkmenistan.

Being familiarized with the plans on establishing of the Historical-Cultural Park of Akhal velayat, which will represent the region’s all historical monuments, the leader of nation has proposed to surround the park with mountainous juniper plantations.

At the working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was pleased to note high rates of construction of the new administrative center of Akhal velayat. The first phase of the project includes construction of 336 objects.

For the period of construction, the contractors and subcontractors were exempted from customs dues, Exchange and customs duties. On the basis of customers’ demand, easy credits are extended to fund the necessary part of the contracted amount assigned for construction of residential houses.

The comprehensive construction works with application of advanced technologies are carried out by construction companies – members of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union, and individual enterprises. As of now, basic construction works at the major objects are in the final stage.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has concentrated the constructors’ attention on creating of a harmonious urban environment on the basis of digital technologies and intellectual systems, attracting to construction works of high-school students, wide applying of ‘green’ engineering methods for preserving the natural beauty of surroundings.

Having stressed that the work aimed at strengthening of the national economy, further improvement of people’s well-being and Motherland’s prosperity will successfully be continued in the future, the head of state signed the Resolution “On the issues of construction of buildings and objects in the new modern administrative center of Akhal velayat”.

Last week, the President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on holding of the extraordinary session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan on February 11, 2022; the leader of nation has also signed the Resolution on allocating funds to the State Association “Turkmen atlary” to modernize horse-breeding complexes, further improve horse-keeping conditions and selection work, develop equestrian sports and horse-training art, and improve social-and-life conditions of horse-breeders and trainers.

On January 19, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a get-acquainted round of Ashgabat to familiarize with the construction progress of large residential complex “Ashgabat-City”.

The leader of nation got acquainted with the General Construction Plan of “Ashgabat City”, its street circuitry, projects of high-risers and of the building of Turkmen State Architecture-Construction Institute (in the Gurbansoltan Eje Street) developed by the students of the Institute.

The sketches, designs and drawings of the remote management system capable to control the equipment of ‘smart’ apartments – automated management and regulation of water-, gas-supply and other systems of the ‘smart’ town including presentation of information about motor transport – were demonstrated to the head of state.

Information was also avowed about announcement of International tender for realization of the “Ashgabat City” project.

The leader of nation has noted that construction of the new town is to incorporate the possibilities of information-communications technologies, Internet, digital innovations. Particular attention is to be given to the system of controlling all residential structures with the help of the newest technologies.

At the project-associated working meeting the head of state stressed that to ensure high level of “Ashgabat City” construction, a special Interdepartmental Commission was established and its composition was approved. To get construction works in the new residential complex under control, the Construction Directorate was instituted in the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also informed that for those citizens who wish to share their opinions on the project a special portal “Ashgabat City” is launched.

In the course of working meeting, it was noted that at present, large-scale measures were carried out on modernization of architectural face of Ashgabat, improvement of its landscape gardening environment, construction of new residential complexes, reconstruction of the operating engineering-technical systems, development of road-transport infrastructure, maintenance of neatness and cleanness in the capital.

More important today is to supply the population of the city with modern communication facilities, improve the work of polyclinics, and maintain high level of ecology indices in the city.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that to achieve high-performance tackling of the tasks, it is necessary to show high responsible approaches to the issues of the capital’s development in tune with the times, increase the proficiency level of specialists, study the world’s experience, and dovetail innovatory methods with national principles.

Our goal is to create a town unique in its architectural features, the leader of nation declaimed.

On January 20, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Dashoguz velayat to familiarize with the implementation progress of the tasks linked with effective use of possibilities available for realization of the development-favored programs of the regions and with the produced-in-the-country energy supplies to the domestic consumers and for export.

Detailed information about the country’s energy system advancement, works ongoing in its structures, new energy objects and the drawings of their location sites were presented to the leader of nation at the construction site of the 500-kW Balkan-Dashoguz power transmission line (PTL) located in etrap named after Gurbansoltan Eje, Dashoguz velayat.

Presentation included also the draft designs of various power transmission lines in the Balkan-Dashoguz, Akhal-Balkan, Akhal-Mary, Dashoguz-Dashoguz directions, as well as the PTLs in the direction of power plants “Serdar”, “Kaakhka”, “Tejen”.

Information was also presented about transfer of the Akhal State Power Plant to combined control system, about 10MW solar and wind power plants in Serdar etrap, Balkan velayat.

Besides, the head of state got acquainted with draft designs of the international power transmission lines from the Mary GES in the Gerat-Farah-Kandagar direction and via Afghanistan to Pakistan. Information was also avowed about the projected construction of the 140-km-long 400 kW Mary-Meshed PTL, and 15-kilometer-long 400 kW Mary-Serahs-Meshed PTL.

At the working session with the participation of chief heads of sectoral energy departments and specialists of velayat structures of the Energy Ministry President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that adoption of the “Concept of Turkmenistan’s electric-power industry development in 2013-2020” enabled to still more strengthen the material-technical base of the branch and increase several times the volumes of the energy generated.

Due to successful realization of the Concept, nowadays, two-three power plants operate in every velayat, thus creating broad possibilities for ensuring energy security of regions and increasing production capacities.

Turkmen energy is delivered to our neighbor countries – the Islamic Republics of Iran and Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Republic; moreover, most likely, via Uzbekistan and Iran the Turkmen energy can be delivered to the third countries.

As a result of the changes occurring in the region, in the future, the transfer is expected of the Dashoguz State Power Plant (over 254 MW) from the simple to the combined-steam-gas control system. It will enable to generate additional volumes of energy without use of the natural gas, having thereto decreased considerably the harmful impact on the environment.

The President of the country has highlighted that realization of the Akhal-Balkan-Dashoguz high-voltage overhead power transmission line project will create one more reliable source of energy, which, in turn, will have a catalytic impact on the socioeconomic development of Dashoguz velayat.

In the course of working meeting, the head of state has formulated primary tasks assigned to the energy branch.

In particular, great importance is to be attached to the newest technologies, digital system and advanced scientific achievements, training of the demand-driven proficient specialists, activation of international cooperation in this direction, and participation of entrepreneurs of the country in construction of the ring energy system, ecological aspect of the projects.

In the course of his working trip to Dashoguz velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the poultry complex (300 tons of chicken meat a year) of the «Işewür topar» Economic Association located in the territory of Gyorogly etrap.

The head of state has evinced interest in the state of affairs in the poultry complex, conditions of keeping youngsters, commercial maturation period, laying-in of fodder, assortment of the products, and process of chicken meat packing, marketable attractiveness and labeling of products, labor conditions.

The leader of nation has stressed that now and in the long run the state would create necessary conditions for effective work of entrepreneurs and for launching production of new types of goods and foodstuffs. The «Işewür topar» Economic Association is to upward advance poultry production, the head of state recommended.

On January 20, a telephone talk was held between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The leaders of two countries were pleased to state high level and upward dynamics of the traditionally friendly interstate relations advancement, which represent a true example of trust, reciprocal understanding and respect.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has expressed gratitude to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev for warm reception and hospitality extended to the governmental delegation of Turkmenistan led by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which last week paid a working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the frames of the visit, a number of productive meetings with Uzbek colleagues were held to discuss the priority directions of cooperation in the trade-economic sphere and other spheres in the context of realization of the earlier agreements and future-orientated prospects.

In the course of the telephone talk, the heads of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan exchanged opinions on key issues of the bilateral partnership based on the age-old principles of good neighborliness, in the light of realities of the times and situation in the region and in the world. It was stressed that the efficiency of the Turkmen-Uzbek dialogue is stipulated by the community of interests and availability of strong political will to deepen cooperation in every direction in every possible way.

A number of issues of the state life were included into the agenda of the regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held on January 21.

Consideration was given to: improvement of legal basics of large-scale socioeconomic transformations; preparation measures to the extraordinary session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan and sizing up of the outcomes-2021; development of program of measures devoted to the remarkable events and dates of the national calendar in the year proclaimed as “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”.

Information was also avowed about drafting of the Program of the country’s development in the upcoming 30 years, state of affairs in the FEC and chemical branch, in the sphere of trade, textile industry and entrepreneurship sector, improvement of work of the border checkpoints in tune with the times, implementation progress of reforms in the AIC.

To enhance Turkmenistan’s presence in the information-news space of Internet, develop sites and other web-resources, to improve the activity of newspapers and magazines, the work is in progress on establishing of the Information Center on Sports and Youth Policy in the frames of the printed media transition to electronic format and digital system.

Particular attention was given to advancement of Turkmenistan’s international cooperation in the sphere of hydrogen power engineering.

As was noted, over the last years, acceleration in the world of paces of work on transition to the low-carbon energy and hydrogen fuel would result in the change of structure of demand for energy carriers. In this regard, being guided by the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the “Road Map on advancement of Turkmenistan’s international cooperation in the sphere of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023” was drafted.

The documents incorporates large-scale strategic goals and complex of measures linked with establishing and strengthening of partnership in this sphere, as well as development of high-technological and export-orientated hydrogen power engineering national branch staffed with proficient specialists.

The draft of the within-named Road Map and a number of proposals included in the Map were submitted to the head of state for consideration.

In particular, it refers to continuation of constructive cooperation with International Renewable Energy Sources Agency (IRENA), International Energy Agency (IEA), International Energy Charter, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and other reputable organizations, as well as to conducting studies of the possibilities of opening in Turkmenistan of the IRENA Hydrogen Energy Center.

At the same time, it is advisable to develop the National Strategy on the development of hydrogen power engineering sector in Turkmenistan with attraction of foreign experts to that work.

To train the demand-driven, high-qualified, proficient specialists, it is proposed to create the Hydrogen Energy Center in the International Oil and Gas University named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev. One of the Center’s major tasks will be in the development of proposals on realization in Turkmenistan of the experimental projects on generating and applying of the hydrogen energy.

Not the least important is to conduct the works on creating of the relevant infrastructure for production, keeping and transportation of the within-named type of energy carriers and on attracting large investments into the branch. To this end, it is advisable to establish the Interdepartmental Workgroup on advancement of th hydrogen power engineering branch in Turkmenistan.

Besides, in terms of expansion of cooperation and experience exchange in this sphere, it would have been expedient to organize consultations with core departments of such countries as Japan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, and Great Britain.

Having approved on the whole the proposals submitted, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed that pursuing our foreign-policy course based on the principles of positive neutrality and ‘open doors’, Turkmenistan is aimed at further intensification of constructive interaction with foreign partners, in the energy sphere inclusive. The alternative power engineering sector was sorted out among the priority vectors of realization of the national energy strategy.

At the session, consideration was also given to the issues of strengthening interaction of our country with foreign countries in the transport sphere.

Nowadays, given the accession of Kazakhstan, Qatar and India to the transport-transit corridors – Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey and Uzbekistan-Iran-Oman, the cargo traffic is planned to be implemented by motor and railway transport through assigning of national operators to cope with the issues on activating cargo traffic in the within-named routes, organizing of test freightage trips, ensuring of trouble-free cargo traffic.

Regular works are ongoing to increase the container freight traffic following the Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor with an outlet to Europe via the Caspian Sea-Black Sea international route.

Particular attention is paid to arranging the activity of representatives in the sphere of logistics, foreign markets researching, advertising of our country’s transport-logistics possibilities, and attracting large transport companies.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, India evince great interest in the transit cargo traffic in the direction of Russia, Kazakhstan and European countries, as well as in the Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey container freight traffic. In this context, in the frames of negotiations between transport companies, it is planned to set in motion transit possibilities of the International Seaport of Turkmenbashy.

Draft designs of the two “Ro-Ro” ferries for transporting of railway carriages and a dry-cargo ship were submitted to the head of state for consideration. By order of the head of state, construction of the ferries and ship was entrusted to the Public Corporation “Ship-building and ship-repairing facility«Balkan» of «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» Agency.

To maximum unleash Turkmenistan’s potential in this sphere, enhance the gamut of services with setting digital technologies in motion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has necessitated creating of advantageous conditions for advancement of multimodal logistics and transit communication.

Having stressed that the Public Corporation “Ship-building and ship-repairing facility«Balkan» is a pivot of the national shipbuilding industry development, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered in the longer term to make every effort in this direction, including taking of the human resource development measures – training of operators, core specialists.

At the session, the head of state signed the Resolution on approving the oil products volumes (motor gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, jet kerosene) assigned for the domestic consumers in 2022.

Having addressed a number of concrete instructions on widespread adoption of advanced management methods in the agri-sector, all-round encouragement of business initiatives, the leader of nation signed the Order on paying expenses from the special trust fund of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection.

As for other events of the past week worth of noting is a solemn meeting «Halkyň Arkadagly zamanasynda bedew sarpasy», which was held in the conference-hall of «Türkmen atlary» State Association.

In the speeches of distinguished horse-breeders, particular emphasis was placed on the fact of coming into the world of a wonderful foal in the year “Epoch of the people with Arkadag” and named by the leader of nation Zaman. The fact will not only increase the inspiring strength of the running year’s motto, but it will become a symbol of swiftness in achieving great goals of the Motherland’s new era.

Due to indefatigable selfless activity of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – a true expert and connoisseur of ‘heavenly’ horses and excellent master of horse-riding art, the Akhalteke horses’ global name recognition raised today to a henceforth unprecedented high level.

Ashgabat hosted a scientific-practical conference devoted to the release of such politically-important new books as “Interview of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the international media”, “A consulting meeting of the Central Asian States’ Heads”, and “The 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization”.

The forum was attended by representatives of the sphere of science and education, social organizations media community, Rectors and teaches of high education schools, student youth. The heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Turkmenistan were also invited to attend the conference.

The events covered in the books is an eloquent illustration of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s progressive innovatory policy, due to which Turkmenistan won global name recognition as a dynamically-developing state pursuing the strategy of cooperative partnership in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres.

The reports delivered at the conference were devoted to such subjects as cultural diplomacy – a guarantee of universal peace; peaceful and good-neighborly policy of neutral Turkmenistan, its weighty contribution to the regional and international cooperation, integration processes in Central Asia; and so on. Particular attention was given to the educational significance for the youths of books and historical speeches of the leader of nation.

It was highlighted that the creative foreign-policy course pursued by our country under the leadership of the head of state is an eloquent illustration of its efficiency, conformity with long-term interests of the international community.

Thus, the past week’s events were yet another confirmation of the fact that large-scale reforms carried out by the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, were aimed at further innovatory development of the national economy, diversification of industry, realization of socioeconomic programs assigned to increase the people’s standard of living.

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