Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of happiness, peace, stability, and prosperity
Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of happiness, peace, stability, and prosperity
Published 04.10.2021

The past week’s festivities dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s sacred independence have eloquently demonstrated the lofty creativity spirit of the new historical epoch – the epoch of power happiness, inextricably linked with the name of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Over the years of independence, Turkmenistan has asserted itself in the status of the competitive state with firm foundation, vast economic and humanitarian potential.

In his Message of Congratulations to the nation, the head of state noted that over the years of independence substantial changes took place in the state and social life, mentality of the nation, and the democracy principles were consistently being consolidated. The state sovereignty has enabled us to revivify the national material-spiritual values, advance our ancient traditions of peace, friendship and humanism on the international arena.

By tradition, a grandiose parade of architectural-construction premieres and a number of measures demonstrating the historical significance of huge changes, which took place in the life of our state over the years of sovereign development, were timed to the Motherland’s main holiday.

On the remarkable day, September 27, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhameodv took part in the solemn ceremony of laying flowers to the Independence Monument – a magnificent memorial complex, which immortalized in the memory of the present and future generations the determining historical event – acquisition of sovereignty by our Motherland.

Commissioning of the State Tribune complex in the run-up to the holiday was in the center of major festivities. There, with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhameodv, a solemn parade and demonstration of Turkmenistan’s economic achievements were held.

The country’s Armed Forces have demonstrated their combat potential – tanks, infantry’s fighting machines, self-propelled artillery facilities, pilotless vehicles, combat helicopters and airplanes of the country’s security structures, and other types of combat weaponry were tangible evidence that the safeguarding of Turkmenistan’s state independence and territorial integrity is in safe hands.

Particularly solemn was the review of warships. In the live online format, on the huge monitor installed in the square of the State Tribune Complex, the participants of the event were able to simultaneously watch the holiday marching of the flotilla.

For the first time, the battalions of officers of the State Customs Service and the State Migration Service took part in the military parade.

The marching in the square of a group of military men astride the Akhalteke horses was a decoration of the parade; the performance of the combined military orchestra of the military and law enforcement agencies, which prepared a musical gift to the holiday, added a particular elation to the holiday.

On behalf of the President’s associates, as a sign of deep, sincere gratitude for indefatigable labor of the leader of nation for the sake of Motherland’s prosperity, happiness and well-being of the native people, President Gurbangguly Berdimuhamedov was presented with a wonderful light-gray horse racer named Garashsyz in honor of independence.

Due to the live TV-broadcast and Internet-communications, millions of people – our countrymen and the inhabitants from different corners of the planet, were able to watch the festivities, which took place in the square of the State Tribune Complex.

They could assess at true worth the achievements of Turkmenistan’s national-economy complex, which were advertised through the models, colorful scale pictures and expositions placed on the auto-platforms gradually passing by the Tribune.

At the specially-arranged arena in the central part of the square, the participants of the National Equestrian Games Group “Galkynysh” have skillfully performed the breathtaking horse-riding tricks.

The combat aircraft painted the sky with all colors of the rainbow and fired the volleys of holiday fireworks.

With the participation of President Gurbangguly Berdimuhamedov, the festive picture of the day was supplemented with the concert of masters of art at the stage of the capital’s «Mejlisler merkezi». And in the evening, wonderful melodies and songs, which praised the sacred symbols of the Turkmen state, the epoch of power and happiness, achievements of the sovereign Motherland, were long heard in the square in front of the Tribune.

The festivities in the capital in honor of Turkmenistan’s independence jubilee were completed with the laser show-program and grandiose colorful fireworks.

The countrywide festive measures of the holiday were united around a single theme – love for the sovereign Motherland and national leader – the initiator and creator of grandiose achievements of the epoch of power and happiness, for the beauty of the native land and everlasting human values.

On September 28, in the frames of the measures in honor of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbangguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremony of awarding and conferring military ranks and qualification classes on the members of the State Security Council. In the course of ceremony, the leader of nation was presented with «Türkmen edermen» medal and «Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy» jubilee medal.

That same day, on behalf of the head of state, the magnificent memorial complex “Halk hakydasy” hosted the ceremony of presenting servicemen and officers of military and law enforcement agencies with high state awards. In compliance with the presidential Ukases singed by the leader of nation Gurbangguly Berdimuhamedov, military and special ranks, qualification classes were conferred on the group of servicemen and officers of military and law enforcement agencies of Turkmenistan.

The festive measures were continued in the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex. Being a true connoisseur and expert of Akhalteke horses and holder of the honorary title “Master jokey-tutor of Turkmenistan”, the head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is a permanent participator in the equestrian showcases, which uncover the points and stature, quickness, speed and beauty of the worldwide famous ‘winged’ horses.

This time, twelve horses have demonstrated their swiftness, speed and fastness in the seven rounds of horse races.

In the final round, the horse riders contested for the main prize instituted by the President of Turkmenistan. The winners of races were presented with the meritorious awards. The avia-show, which was performed in the sky over the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex, was a great surprise to the people assembled. The demonstration flights of military pilots were a distinctive embodiment of the age-old glory of Akhalteke horses, which were honored for such epithets as ‘heavenly racers’, ‘winged’ horses for the outstanding qualities of the breed.

On September 28, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the heads of foreign companies, who are working in the country and those who arrived in Ashgabat to take part in the festivities in honor of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.

In the course of meetings with the leader of the Agriculture and Landscape Architecture Department of the American Company “John Deere” Markvart von Pentz, Chairman of the Financial-Industrial Group “Altcom” Aleksandr Tislenko, Chairman of the Ukrainian Construction Association “Interbudmontazh” Vladimir Petruk, Director of the Company “”Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited”(Singapore) Igor Burkinsky consideration was given to the issues of expanding participation of foreign companies in realization of large-scale economic projects in Turkmenistan.

The agenda of the regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which was held on October 1 under the chairmanship of the President of Turkmenistan, was centered on the following urgent issues: further improvement of legal fundamentals of the state; strengthening of civil institutions and democratic values; commissioning of the social and cultural objects; measures on the occasion of Pardoning Day; celebrating of Health and Medical Industry Workers Day; arrangement of the international conference “Oil and gas of Turkmenistan – 2021”.

Particular attention was paid to preparation to the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The head of state has noted availability of the impressive diverse potential for intensifying of the mutuality-based Turkmen-Uzbek partnership, which year after year becomes more contentious and productive.

Thus, in September of the running year, in Tashkent, at the 16th session of the Joint Turkmen-Uzbek Commission for trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation, the discussion was centered on the issues of increasing the trade volumes in the AIC, mainly at the expense of purchasing of agri-machinery and equipment, mineral fertilizers and chemical preparations for plant protection.

At the governmental session, in compliance with the agreements achieved, the head of state has signed the Resolutions on purchasing in Uzbekistan of various agri-machinery and equipment, tractor trailers, chemicals for motivating production of heavy yields of wheat and cotton, ground phosphate rock, and chemical produce.

Intensification of the productive interaction with the reputable financial organizations, foreign partners, large core companies, which evince interest in the sectoral projects realized in Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov regards as one of the dominant aspects of Turkmenistan’s foreign economic strategy.

In this regard, the head of state has approved a proposal on attracting investments of the International Islamic Trade Corporation for funding the projects implemented in our country, as well as on signing of the relevant Framework Agreement. The head of state has expressed confidence that this step, being an example of successful realization of investment policy, will promote further advancement of the national economy.

The President of the country has also signed an Order on letting a plot of land on lease to the Chinese oil/gas corporation “International Ltd.”, which works in the contractual territory “Bagtyyarlyk” in the frames of the Product-Sharing Agreement to build water-supply systems intended for the ground objects of one of the sectors of the within-named gas deposit.

The drafts of slogan and logotype of the complete census-2022 of the population and housing fund prepared by the State Statistics Committee and selected by results of the contest were submitted for consideration of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

In tune with the major goal – obtaining of precise data about demographic structure of the population and socio-economic situation of the country’s citizens for laying reliable foundation for further progress and prosperity of our state – the nationwide large-scale measure (census) will be held under the slogan “Census of the population 2022: Solidarity, Happiness, Bright Future”; the State Flag, «Ak öý», gyols of Turkmen carpet, and number “2022” will also be depicted on its emblem.

Information was also presented about preparation to the National Day of Turkmenistan in the frames of the International Exhibition “EXPO-2020, which will be held in the city of Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

On this occasion, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has sent in to the Exhibition organizers the Complimentary Address, which says: “Being oriented to full-format integration to the system of global economies, independent neutral Turkmenistan demonstrates its potential at the exhibition platforms of EXPO, which are organized under the aegis of the International Exhibitions Bureau. Modernization of the national economy, diversification of industry, realization of socioeconomic reforms and progressive increase of life standards of Turkmen citizens are the priority trends of state policy of our country, which takes worthy position in the rating list of the intensively developing states”.

At the session, concentrating attention on the issues of widespread adoption of modern management methods in the aviation sector control system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to exercise unremitting control over the issues of improving the licensing processes linked with the air freight activity and integration to the international logistic environment.

Proceeding to the issues of digital transformation, technical modernization and upgrading of the «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Agency, the leader of nation has stated that our country has embarked on realization of a whole block of large projects aimed at creation of the all-embracing communication system on the basis of advanced technologies. In this regard, it is necessary to enhance the gamut of cellular communications services by “Altyn Asyr”.

Adoption of modern methods of work and advanced information-communications technologies, strengthening of regular personnel of departmental structures President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has sorted out as a key aspect of transformations in the security structures system.

The leader of nation was also pleased to note high level of the recent festive events on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence and extended gratitude to each and everyone who took part in preparation of those large-scale measures.

In his exclusive interview to the TASS, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has told about successes Turkmenistan has achieved over the years of independence, our country’s major positions in the issues of regional and international agenda.

The head of state gave also answers to the issues on various aspects of relations with Russia, on availability of vast untapped potential for partnership with the RF. Particular emphasis was placed on very warm relations between the leader of nation and President Vladimir Putin. The negotiations between the two Presidents are always filled in with constructive initiatives, the leader of nation noted.

Speaking of our country’s dynamic development, the leader of nation has stressed that he is proud most of all of the people of Turkmenistan, who have understood, accepted and supported a number of foreign-policy initiatives of the leader of nation, his plans and ideas, which today are successfully being realized. “The growth rates of economy are sustainable and remain to be at a good level irrespective of the pandemic. It speaks in favor of sustainability of the economy and its serious potential”, - the President of Turkmenistan noted.

In the frames of interview, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also told about his sport achievements and likings, love for the poetry, music and literature. The head of state was sorry to say that because of intensive schedule of work he has little time to be in the bosom of his family.

Answering the question about his personal point of view on the situation in Afghanistan, the President of the country has reminded of the oft-proclaimed position linked with Afghanistan, which included the political-diplomatic, trade-economic and social-humanitarian directions. The leader of nation has stressed that Turkmenistan is ready to closely cooperate with the new government of Afghanistan for further strengthening of the traditionally fraternal Turkmen-Afghan relations, rendering the necessary support to achieve the soonest settlement of the situation in this country and ensure its sustainable socioeconomic revivification.

In conclusion, defining the essential goal the leader of nation is guided by on the post of President, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said: To serve my Motherland in faith and truth.

On October 1 – the Elderly Day holiday – the head of state has extended his congratulations to the elders of the country on the occasion of the holiday, countrywide celebrated in independent neutral Turkmenistan together with the world community of nations. At the same time, particular emphasis was placed on the senior generation’s great contribution. The elders’ worldly wisdom, advices and behests invest in strengthening of the country’s sovereignty, unity and consolidation of the society, in the development of national customs and traditions, upbringing of the youth.

On October 2, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited one of the picturesque corners of the Kopetdag foothills, where a new 15-hectare stable would be built, and got acquainted with construction rate of the fashionable hotel “Garagum” in the north of the capital, which entered the final stage of construction.

The new 600-horse stable will be built in propinquity to the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex and the Baba Annaev village. Along with stalls, the stable complex will imply its veterinary center, fodder storehouse, auxiliary premises, administrative building, and parking lots. The tender for construction of the object was won by “Nur Bina” Construction Company – a member of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of Turkmenistan, notable for vast experience in construction of objects of the kind.

After lengthy consideration of the projects and designs, the leader of nation made some proposals and corrections.

The complex is to fully meet the modern requirements. All conditions are to be envisaged for horse-breeding, dressage, training, and preparation of horses to the races, for the productive work of stablemen, trainers and other specialists. Not the least important is to apply maximum efforts for the science-based advancement of the work with active involvement of scientists-hippologists.

Concrete presidential assignments were centered on ensuring modern housing conditions for the horse-breeders and specialists of the stable complex.

The leader of nation has also fixated attention on construction of a horse-breeding complex of military and law enforcement agencies in the territory of Ak Bugdai etrap, Akhal velayat. In the within-named structures, great attention is paid to the issues of Akhalteke horse-breeding, training of the utility horses and their participation in horse races.

En route, the head of state made a stopover at the monument to the glorious Turkmen racer Polatly to see the construction progress of the new administrative center of Akhal velayat, which is well within view from that place. Construction of the first phase of the project is to be completed in 2022 – in the run-up to Neutrality Day of Turkmenistan.

Having concentrated attention on widespread adoption in construction of innovatory technologies and advanced experience, on creating of conditions for comfortable life of the people, the head of state has highlighted the importance of introduction of the intellectual system ‘smart’ house.

In the course of his get-acquainted trip, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the construction site of the fashionable hotel “Garagum” and familiarized with improvement and landscaping of the «Watançy» park located in the hotel’s neighborhoods. A bicycle lane for the lovers of ecology-friendly sport is a particular appeal of the park.

Construction of the 9-story hotel, with its exterior resembling soft lines of barchan sands, is nearing conclusion.

The leader of nation has placed accent on dovetailing the interior design of the hotel with its common thematic composition, national spirit, international standards, and innovatory technologies.

The President of the country has also stressed that all conditions on organizing and conducting of top-level international forums and other measures are to be reconsidered.

The Sunday morning President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has devoted to the sporting workout and made a many-kilometer walking tour along the Health Footpath and a mounted ride in the Kopetdag picturesque foothills.

Paying particular attention to creating of park and recreation zones in that beautiful corner, comfortable conditions for recreation of inhabitants and guests of Ashgabat, the head of state has focused on the ecology of the area and landscaping of the park zone of the memorial complex dedicated to the great thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi. The head of state has also evinced interest in the state of woodlands – a result of mass landscaping actions.

Among other events of the past week, worth of mentioning is presentations of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s new book “Independence – our happiness”, which were held in the Social Organizations Center of Turkmenistan, International Relations Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Economic Complex, and at the square of the Mukams Palace of the State Culture Center.

Participants of the event have highlighted that a truly priceless in the ideas and content book of the true patriot, humanist and wise politician, who is aware of his responsible mission in the fate of the beloved Motherland and native people, is a vivid illustration of grandiose achievements of the epoch of power and happiness, rapid advancement of the sovereign Motherland and its socioeconomic progress, which are inextricably linked with the name of the head of state. Being released in the running jubilee year, which is proclaimed under the deeply symbolic slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”, the book has replenished the unique collection of the Turkmen President-authored works on history and the Turkmen people’s future.

With all obviousness, the past intensive eventful week has demonstrated that the great strides the country has made in the first years of its independence are in the modern epoch directed toward achieving of the unprecedented grandiose tasks, which are set by the committed-to-innovations farsighted leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Relying on the richest historic experience and national traditions, our country today under the wise leadership of the head of state is pursuing the policy aimed at strengthening of sovereignty, sustainable socioeconomic development, improvement of the people’s well-being, enhancement of the constructive international relations, and an increase of the dear Motherland’s global name recognition.

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