Events of the week
Concern for the people – a top-priority trend of the state policy
Events of the week
Concern for the people – a top-priority trend of the state policy
Published 26.07.2021

Kurban Bairamy – the last week’s most remarkable holiday event, was a striking demonstration of the present-day generation’s invariable adherence to the lofty values of our ancestors. In pursuance of the Ukase of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, on the occasion of the holiday, the picturesque music-song festivities were held in our capital – Ashgabat, and in all towns of the country.

In his Complimentary Address, the leader of nation has noted that impregnated with national traditions, customs and faiths, this holiday today symbolizes the peaceful life of our happy people and their aspiration for the grandiose future along the path of creativity and progress, lights up the picture of social life in the country, inspires for achieving new heights, strengthens still more our unity and solidarity.

On July 19, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov conducted an online working session with the participation of khyakim of Ashgabat city and the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the Turkmen capital. The agenda of session was centered on the issues of the country’s main city further advancement, modernization of its infrastructure, and preparation progress to the upcoming remarkable dates. Moreover, information was presented about the objects of social-cultural and other purposes to be built in the capital.

The leader of nation has exhorted to prepare the proposals on radical reconstruction of the potable water enterprises in Ashgabat and upgrading of the capitals’ water-supply obsolete system, to build the ring water-supply system, as well as to complete in due time and with high quality the construction works at the water-treatment plant (150,000cu m/per day) under construction in the city.

The head of state has also ordered to develop the proposals on streamlining the activity of the capital’s communal services system on the basis of widespread adoption of innovatory technologies, modernization of the bridges and roads, and organize presentation of new projects of urban development and construction.

On July 20, a telephone talk was held between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and the recently-elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Ebrahim Raisi. In the course of phone talk, the interlocutors exchanged congratulations on the occasion of the incoming bright Moslem holiday – Kurban Bairamy, having extended wishes of peace, happiness and wealth to the peoples of the two friendly neighboring states.

The Turkmen leader has congratulated Seyed Ebrahim Raisi on his convincing victory in the recent presidential election and wished him great success in his responsible state activity.

Grateful for the invitation to take part in the current year’s August 5 inauguration ceremony of the President of Iran, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov expressed his regret that he couldn’t take personal participation in the ceremony, because it coincided with the earlier-scheduled top-level international event. However, a representative Turkmen delegation will be sent to Iran to participate in the inauguration ceremony.

The leader of nation has thereto noted that Iran was and remains a strategic trade-economic partner of Turkmenistan, with which our country develops actively productive interaction in such important spheres as fuel-and-energy, transport-communication, construction, agriculture.

In turn, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has invited his Iranian colleague to pay an official visit to Turkmenistan whenever it will be convenient to him, as well as to take part in the October and November events of the current year to be held in our country – VI Summit of the Caspian states’ heads and the 15th top-level meeting of the heads of the Economic Cooperation Organization in the frames of Turkmenistan’s presidency in the ECO in the running year.

On July 21, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov made a working trip to Dashoguz velayat to take part in the ceremony of commissioning in the administrative center of a new residential district and «Türkmeniň ak öýi» building.

On arrival to the air harbor of Dashoguz and having extended congratulations to the people assembled on the occasion of sacred Kurban Bairamy and on commissioning of new objects in honor of the 30th anniversary of Motherland’s independence, the head of state has stressed that the current year, proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”, is marked with grandiose festive events. All of this is aimed at provision of wealthy and happy life of the native people, further all-round development of our sovereign state.

The new residential estate in the south-western part of Dashoguz consists of the 15 four-story apartment houses. Out of the 368 enhanced-comfort apartments, 48 are intended for the people in want of housing accommodations. The residential complex is provided with all necessary infrastructure objects, well-developed children playgrounds and sport grounds.

On the invitation of a large family, which was donated a new flat on behalf of the leader of nation, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov visited the happy family and evinced interest in the their opinion about the apartment and its accommodations.

Having stressed that worthy living conditions of Turkmen citizens is the issue of primary importance of state policy, the leader of nation congratulated the new settlers on the housewarming party and wished them happy life, family wealth, health, and success in the new apartment. From now on, the joint photography will take the most honorable place in the new apartment of the family.

In the course of the working visit, President of Turkmenistan visited the Emergency Aid Center.

In the talk with the Center’s staffers the leader of nation has noted that the state incessantly concerns for the harmonious development of children, protection and strengthening of their health. Those principles are elevated in our country to the rank of priority directions of the state policy. In this context, the head of state has informed about the decision of the Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov Charitable Foundation for rendering assistance to the children in need of tutelage to hand in 10 new ”Ambulance” specialized cars to the pediatric departments of etraps and towns of the region.

Then, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov took part in the ceremony of commissioning of the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» edifice. The scale project implies a 3,000-seat multi-functional hall, same-capacity hall for conducting of social measures, including sadaqat, an outdoor ground for arranging cultural-mass measures, parking lot, technical block, etc. Other conditions are also envisaged for conducting the festivities on the occasion of remarkable dates and holidays, concerts, equestrian games.

In compliance with the Resolution of the head of state, the unique object was built by the individual enterprise «Röwşen» with application of modern achievements of the architectural art and national architectural traditions, modern high-quality and ecology-friendly construction and decorating materials.

Regarded as the social-cultural heritage of the nation, the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» is also a center of the skillful statecraft, a distinctive symbol of family unity and wealth, age-old hospitality tradition inherent to the Turkmen nation, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov stressed.

The head of state got acquainted with the salient features of the building interior and conditions available for conducting of various measures of the all-nation and international importance; the leader of nation has also familiarized with the ethnographic exhibition in the spacious foyer of the edifice and visited the concert of masters of arts.

The intensive concert program has incorporated the entire richness of the modern Turkmen art and a broad gamut of its genres. For the umpteenth time, the energetic effervescent performance of the famous National Equestrian Games Group “Galkynysh” of the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan has filled the spectators with rapture. One of the brightest moments of the concert was the ancient dance kushdepdi, which was performed by the folk-dance collectives of velayat. Implying harmony and spiritual strength of the national culture in its powerful energetic, the dance has won global name recognition as a part of the universal cultural asset.

On completion of the concert, the President of Turkmenistan has donated to the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» administration a new bus, and later took part in the holiday sadaqat.

In tune with the presidential assignment, which was avowed at the recent working session, presentation of the projects included in the Ashgabat Redevelopment Program’s next phase was held on July 22 in the “Ruhyet” Palace.

In particular, for consideration of the head of state the projects of buildings intended for the city services were submitted, which are planned to be built at the junction of the S.Turkmenbashi and A. Niyazov Avenues. In that region, construction is also projected of the 1st specialized military school of the Defense Ministry named after Berdymuhamed Annayev.

The multi-functional medicinal cluster of the Turkmen capital will be replenished with the International Scientific-Clinical Physiology Center, the International Medico-Rehabilitation Center, and International Oncology Center.

The head of state has also acquainted with the projects of: the 10,000-capacity Ashgabat Creation and Arts Center; Culture Center «Dokmaçylar»; recreation zone in the «Altyn köl» Lakeland in the northern part of Ashgabat; the park in the western part of the capital’s Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue; the ensemble of residential and social edifices in the Gurbansoltan Eje Avenue; modernization of the road-transport system.

After familiarization with the projects, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has initiated and introduced several constructive remarks and corrections. While realizing the building-up program of the country’s main city, the quality of construction works is to meet the international standards, and in decorating of the edifices’ interiors and exteriors the national architectural motifs are to be applied, the leader of nation has stressed. Not the least important is to maintain the favorable ecological environment in the territory and neighborhoods of the capital.

On July 27, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov conducted a working session with the participation of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Mejlis Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh, members of the State Security Council, leaders of some ministries and departments.

The agenda of session implied the issues related to the implementation progress of the current year’s plans of the national economy development, celebration of the 30th anniversary of our Motherland’s sacred independence, modernization of the logistics and hardware base of all structures of the economy.

Consideration was also given to the measures on further improvement of the legal base of the country and development of some sectoral bills, as well as to the intensification of the in-the-field awareness-raising and advocacy activities related to the humane internal and foreign policy of our state by members of Halk Maslakhaty and deputies of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh and social organizations.

Realization of Turkmenistan’s foreign-policy strategy based on the principles of positive neutrality, peacefulness, ‘open doors’ policy, good neighborliness, and mutuality-based cooperation was in the focus of discussions.

In the course of session, the talk was also about the importance of further streamlining of the activity of different structures, introduction of the advanced experience, innovatory technologies and digital systems into the production complexes of the country.

The head of state has exhorted the officials concerned to give much attention to the development of businesses and private entrepreneurship, acceleration of the denationalization process of the state-owned property, and transformation of the enterprises into the joint-stock corporations. Not the least important are the issues of supply of the domestic market with the foodstuffs and other goods of first priority.

The issues of top priority were also in the center of the online regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has conducted on July 22.

Further intensification of cooperation of Turkmenistan with the UNESCO – the UN specialized agency for education, science and culture affairs, was among the issues included into the agenda of session. As was noted, the work is ongoing on including of Turkmenistan’s multilateral and national nominations into the UNESCO World Heritage List. In particular, the nominations “Zaravshan-Karakum Corridor of the Great Silk Road” prepared by our country in association with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and “Turkmen Embroidery Art” – a joint project of Turkmenistan and Iran, were submitted to the UNESCO Secretariat. The solutions on the within-named nominations are expected to be adopted in 2022.

In association with UNESCO, Turkmenistan is also advancing its cultural projects. One such is the application on inclusion of Ashgabat into the “UNESCO Creative Towns Network”. The decision on the application will be avowed in October of the current year. In December 2021, the decision will be promulgated on including into the List of Immaterial Cultural Heritage of the Mankind of the Turkmen dutar-manufacturing craft, dutar-playing and bakhshi-singing art.

Being guided by the key-note speeches and initiatives of the leader of nation, a number of other proposals were developed and forwarded. In particular, the talk is about the activity on preparing of the transnational nomination “Turan deserts of the temperature zone”, which incorporates the Natural Reserves of the deserts of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In the frames of the nomination, three State Natural Reserves are projected to be included into the UNESCO World Heritage List: Repetek Biospheric, Bereketly Garagum, and Kaplankyr Reserves.

With the support of the head of state, the national dossier is preparing on including into the UNESCO World Heritage List of the Koitendag mountainous ecosystem. Moreover, it is proposed to speed up the work in the frames of the UNESCO International Program “Man and Biosphere”.

At the session, necessitating activation of the work on fostering of the rising generation, strengthening in the society of the lofty moral ideals, the leader of nation has highlighted that the issues of preservation, increase and wide popularization of the national heritage, high-human traditions and customs, family values of the Turkmen nation are to be in the center of the unremitting attention.

Considering the issue on organizing of the short-term advance-study courses in the State Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has stressed the importance of increasing the professional ethics of government employees, who are to be a role model in showing patriotism, conscientiousness, and good faith in the work.

The head of state was also informed about keeping the work going on building in Turkmenistan of the powerful construction industry, capable to fully supply the domestic consumers with the necessary import-substituting materials. Thus, in Baherden etrap (Akhal velayat), the work is in progress on construction of the enterprise for manufacturing of the ceramics-decorative tiles and faience pottery with wide use of kaolin as the key raw material.

With a glance to the projected capacity of the kaolin workshop of the Baherden Quarry Department, the member of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union – «Derýaplastik» Economic Society, is proposed to fund reconstruction of the enterprise, having created on its basis of the Open Joint-Stock Corporation. Change of the enterprise’s organizational-legal status and its reconstruction will enable to increase its production capacity, create new workplaces, save the funds spent for importing the necessary raw materials.

In the course of the governmental session, the President of Turkmenistan has signed a number of documents. In particular, the Turkmen side’s composition of the Joint Turkmen-Uzbek Intergovernmental Commission for Water Economy Affairs was approved. The Commission was instituted to ensure rational use of water resources of the trans-border rivers and efficient functioning of water facilities located in the frontier territories of the two countries.

Speaking of the important role of widespread adoption of digital technologies for increasing of the country’s oil/gas industry competitiveness and upward advancing of its positions at the world market, the head of state has signed the Resolution on approving establishment of new departments in the institutional structures of central administrations of State Concerns «Türkmengaz», «Türkmennebit», State Corporation «Türkmengeologiýa», Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex.

To motivate the local commodity producers, improve raw materials supplies to the industrial enterprises, and better regulate the trade turnover, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution on fixating the sizes of customs duties imposed on the exported paper waste and final printing products.

That same day, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov held a working session with the participation of members of the Steering Committee on organizing of the measures of international importance in the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone on August 6.

The agenda of session incorporated the issues of preparation to: Consultative Meeting of the heads of Central Asian states; Dialogue of Women of the countries of the region; International Exhibition of national produce of the countries of Central Asia, which will be arranged in the territory of the International Seaport of Turkmenbashy; International Festival of national cousines of the countries of Central Asia; and the festive concert of masters of arts of the countries of Central Asia.

The head of Turkmenistan has highlighted the importance of the upcoming meetings assigned to broaden the relations and effective partnership between the countries of the region, strengthen the international authority of our state. In the contemporary epoch, independent neutral Turkmenistan turned into the venue of hosting large forums of the regional and international significance. In this context, having placed accent on the necessity of the coordinated activity of all the relevant structures, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has exhorted to constantly keep in the center of attention the issues of holding the upcoming significant measures and events at a better and higher level in terms of organization and content.

On July 24, in the course of the telephone talk with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has extended his congratulations to his colleague on his birthday, and addressed greetings to the Uzbek leader and the fraternal people on the occasion of the past sacred holiday Kurban Bairamy.

The heads of states exchange opinions on the key directions of the strategic upward-developing Turkmen-Uzbek partnership. Advancement of cooperation in the Central Asian region was the subject of particular interest in the discussion. In this regard, the Turkmen leader has invited his Uzbek colleague to take part in the upcoming Consultative Meeting of the heads of Central Asian states, which will be held in Turkmenistan on August 6 of the current year.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a regular session of the Interdepartmental Commission on ensuring the implementation of Turkmenistan’s commitments in the sphere of human rights and international humanitarian right with the participation of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh, a number of ministries and sectoral departments, social organizations of the country.

And certainly, on those days, the Turkmen people are the fans of the nine most titled sportsmen of the country, who had the high honor to represent our Motherland at XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Implementing the assignment of the head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, the head of the Turkmen delegation Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Berdymuhamedov had conducted a number of important bilateral meetings to consider the present state and prospects for development of the Turkmen-Japanese interaction at the most significant directions, first of the first in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic, and cultural-humanitarian spheres.

Thus, the past eventful week was yet another confirmation of Turkmenistan’s all-round progress stipulated mostly by the success of the universal policy and indefatigable activity of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, by the holistic and comprehensive approach of the head of state to the solution of urgent tasks of the national economy intensification, raising of living standards of the population, improvement of the spiritual life of the society, integration of the country into the global system of coordinates.

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