Turkmen alabay – national heritage and pride
Turkmen alabay – national heritage and pride
Published 01.10.2020

First issue of magazine «Türkmeniň nusgalyk alabaýy» (Exemplary Turkmen Alabay) has been published on the threshold of the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the country’s independence. New magazine founded by International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri» is to support wide popularization of Turkmen alabays in the world and to introduce activity of the Association, which was established this year and united canine specialists from different countries, to the readers. Nevertheless, the specialized magazine has not only canine subject but cultural direction as well as its mission is to support the protection and development of the alabay breed as a part of rich historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen people. The first issue of the magazine is opened with thepoem dedicated by the Head of the State to Turkmen alabay. It is continued with introductory article on behalf of personnel of International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri». Book of the Head of the State “Turkmen Alabay”, which compiles long studies, thoughts, historical and literary information about this ancient breed, which is widely spread all over the world, narrates about the role of alabays in life of Turkmen people. The magazine contains the collection of cites from this book while the next article analyzes book “Turkmen Alabay” from big spiritual importance point of view. Targeted activity of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for wide popularization of national heritage of Turkmen people has supported the promotion and growth of recognition of dedicated, brave and strong allabays all over the world. “ Exemplary Turkmen Alabay” magazine will be a big input to this large-scale work. The reader will learn many useful information about the main character of this brightly illustrated magazine, place, which alabay occupies in the destiny of the nation, in folklore, literature, philosophy of Turkmens. The magazine also includes theoretical and practical part about dog breeding. The first issue gives substantial review “National Practice of breeding of Turkmen alabays”, which speaks about many traditions related to breeding and training of dogs as future defenders and assistants starting from the puppy age. Next article “Archeological and ethnographic heritage of Turkmen alabay” narrates about unique findings and artefacts discovered in Turkmenistan, which indicate the age of this breed of dog as well as about special attitude of our ancestors to them. For example, burial site of big Turkmen alabay has been discovered at the territory of Anau Settlement, which was prosperous in V – IV BC. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov writes in his book “Turkmen Alabay” that archeological findings related to dogs have been discovered in such historical monuments of the Bronze age as Altyndepe, Gonurdepe, Ajikuyi. Statue of shepherd dog dated by II BC has been found at the excavations of Gyurgala monument located in the center of cultural and historical monuments of Ancient Merv. Another terracotta statue of Turkmen alabay, which was dated by VI-VII AC, has been discovered in Arapkhana settlement in Dyanew district, Lebap Region. There are moments pictured at the rhytons discovered at the excavations of the Ancient Nisa. They were found and presented by Academic M. Y. Masson to scientific world, who wrote in his works: “Big foots, straight pace of this big as a lion animal clearly speaks that this is Turkmen alabay…” The magazine also narrates about legal provision and scientific and methodological base of activity of International Association “Turkmen Alabay”, the main goa of which is in succession of the best traditions of national horse breeding school using methods of national selection and modern scientific achievements, and to improve the best characteristic, which distinguish Turkmen alabays from many other dogs. At the same time, important role is given to international partners. In particular, long cooperation is established with UNESCO – specialized UN Education, Science and Culture Organization, and other big competent organizations including foreign associations, which carry out works in this direction as well as with private horse breeders from different countries. In future, it is planned to hold conference, exhibitions, beauty contests of Turkmen alabays and other international events in Turkmenistan on regular base. Number of followers of Turkmen alabays has been growing in the last years in different parts of the world. Taking into account this big interest, the activity of International Association “Türkmen alabaý itleri” and its specialized magazine will support to consolidation of horse breeding specialists, scientists and dog lovers at historical birth place of famous Central Asian shepherd dogs.

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