Digitization in action: From telecommunications to agriculture
Digitization in action: From telecommunications to agriculture
Published 09.09.2019

The Concept of development of digital economy in 2019 – 2025 developed at the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is aimed at the enhancement of efficiency of operation of the branches of national economy and social sphere of the country through wide implementation of computer technologies. Today, active work for implementation of the Concept is expanded in all key directions. Objectives and steps of digitization are discussed by the Head of the State with the government members at the sessions and meetings. The President invariably points out that innovations are not just an implementation of technologies but also the process of their continual renewal. This is the way of further development of Turkmen economy. The world technical progress is unstoppable, it goes to all spheres of life, changes the ways of communication and organization of work, forms of study and rest. To keep up with time, Turkmen specialists study advanced and progressive practice aiming at the formation of won digital model, i.e. the one based not only on import of ready solutions and know-hows but also on own scientific and technical potential. Today, the fastest and most significant changes are coming with digital solutions to trade, mass media and industry where such production facilities as computer factories are opened in the country owing to new technologies. Nevertheless, there is a department, which carries out the main work for promotion of digitization and provide all further operation of intellectual networks, their connection between each other and the world. This is Türkmenaragatnasyk Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication. Its activity covers wide range of directions including the elaboration of legal support of regulation and expansion of national network space and spectrum of internet services. At present time, the Draft Regulation of registration and payment terms of domain names in high-level national domain “.tm” has been developed; the work for coordination with relative ministries and profile departments is carried out. Cyber Security Service has been established in the structure of Türkmenaragatnasyk Agency. At the same time, steadfast training of personnel is conducted for service of digital networks including in Polytechnic Secondary Professional School where the best world methods of teaching are implemented. New specialities in direction of logistic operation activity, information security of telecommunication systems and computer networks have been introduced from new educational year. Under the transit to digital economy, Turkmen Postal Company has completed the works for unification of postal branches of the country into single system, which allowed arranging the service of electronic money transfers around the country. Such services as online shopping with non-cash payment capability and delivery of purchase to designated address are available on official website of Postal Service Company. Number of post offices sale railway tickets and the work for expansion of such capabilities in velayat and etrap centres is carried out at present. The project of launching of barcode monitoring service of incoming or outgoing correspondence is under preparation. Türkmenaragatnasyk Agecny together with State Commercial Halkbank has developed and ontroduced TMCell Toleg software, which allows providing non-cash payment for further improvement of the system of non-cash operations in Turkmenistan. Many Turkmenistan citizens have already appreciated the convenience of this system. The capability of non-cash payment and other communication services offered by the Agency as well as payments for services of Bagtyýar Hotel have been made. Another service – GPS tracking of light and heavy vehicles with provision of information about current location, technical conditions, fuel consumption, etc., is on high demand among the government organizations and in private sector. At present time, Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency has installed and utilize more than 10,000 GPS trackers on motor vehicles under control of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan. The same department has internet taxi call service using GPS. The objectives of rapid industrialization of the country are impossible to be solved without active development of colossal volumes of actual world information and operational exchange of data. In other words, the progress of XXI century is impossible without swift development of communication networks and channels. In this field, Turkmenistan has started the implementation of the range of big projects aimed at creation of comprehensive communication system based on advanced technologies, enhancement of volume, quality and variety of communication services together with availability of wideband access to the Internet in the most remote parts of the country. For example, one of the projects is aimed at the development of mobile communication in the country. taking into account growing demands of the population, national operator Altyn Asyr has to enter full and widespread provision of Turkmenistan with mobile communication including 3G, 4G and 5G Internet and other mobile communication services in near future. Another project is aimed at the development of landline telephone communication. It is not just digital telephone stations but modern systems supporting NGN (Next Generation Network) standards when phone line is capable to provide telephone communication, IP television and Internet. At the same time, the information is transmitted and switched by packages while the voice, data and video are able to be transmitted in any combination regardless from the access method. Installation of multiservice billing platforms is planned for Ashgabat Telephone Station. billing is an automatic system of payments for communication services. In other words, this is a software calculating the cost of services for each client and keeping the information about all tariffs and other cost characteristics, which are used by telecommunication operators for invoicing the subscribers and settlement of payments with other service providers. Universal billing platforms allow making payments for internet, communication services, IP telephone and other services rendered by other departments, for example utility bills, traffic fines and other. New billing system will be designed for one million subscribers. This is not a novelty for Turkmenistan but there is a requirement in expansion of similar platform, which will be installed mainly in big cities. Modern communication services will be accessible for all rural residents. The next project is the modernization of international long distance telephone station in Ashgabat operated by Türkmentelekom. All communication channels are linked in the central hub where transit connection with communication lines of other cities and states is carried out. It was decided to transfer the station to IMS technology in order to offer required services on the world standard level to the clients. It will combine the transmitting of voice with services based on packet-switching technologies. Another project is aimed at the development of electronic services. It is planned to open National data centre – the centre of storage and processing of information, location of server and network equipment and connection of subscribers to the Internet, during its implementation. All of these will give an opportunity for provision of different services by profile departments. For example, it will open broad opportunities for development of transport and logistic system, online shopping and internet marketing, for distant interactive multimedia trainings, improvement of health protection system and other. It would not be possible without launching of national satellite TürkmenÄlem 52°E. using which mobile communication and high-speed internet are available in remote residential areas of the country. 11 local and 42 foreign TV and radio channels are broadcasted by Turkmen artificial satellite. More than 400 small-size telephone stations have been built for the last three years in rural area. All of them were connected to the state network while some of them were connected through TürkmenÄlem 52°E. Our satellite works in many other spheres. For example in agriculture, where digitization also comes with new equipment from leading world manufacturers. It is worth to mention that the Concept of three-phase transit of agricultural equipment of regional associations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan to telematics digital system in 2019 – 2022based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and John Deere Walldorf GmbH & Co. KG has been signed under the first Caspian Economic Forum, which was held in Avaza National tourist zone in August. Another document in this sphere,the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and John Deere Walldorf GmbH & Co. KG on introduction of electronic control system of equipment in agricultural complex in 2020 – 2030 has been signed during the same forum. According to the documents, the Company will equip high productive John Deere and Claas equipment, which was purchased by Turkmenistan in 2013 – 2019, with telematics hardware. It will allow tracking the location, fuel consumption, actual working time, load and many other parameters of machines without leaving the field using remote monitoring. For this purpose, the Control Centre, where the information about equipment used in agricultural campaigns would come in real-time mode, has been opened in the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection. Similar centre of the regional level is located in Anau, Ahal Velayat. It is also planned to open local monitoring stations, which will be connected to unified hub server and provided with equipment for collection, storage, analysis and processing of the information. At the same time, initial testing of John Deere agricultural equipment, provided with telematics sensors, is ongoing at present time. such machines are used in the works at the cotton fields of Gyoktepe, Ak Bugday and Kaahka etraps, Ahal Velayat. For provision of qualified personnel, Turkmen Agricultural University provides lessons based on the educational programme for operation of telematics system and its instruments for students of Mechanisation of Agriculture Department. Therefore, the development of wireless communication and satellite navigation systems in our country will stimulate agrarian section, which will transit to precise digital farming using telemetric systems, which are one of the latest technologies in this sphere. John Deere equipment, which works for 25 years in Turkmen fields, is an example of beneficial cooperation with largest foreign companies. 2019 will be another important stage in expansion of this fruitful partnership and promotion of innovations in agriculture. Supply of modernized John Deere equipment is also planned for the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

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