Release of the 20th issue of the «Arkadagly Ýaşlar» magazine
Release of the 20th issue of the «Arkadagly Ýaşlar» magazine
Published 07.09.2024

The jubilee 20th issue of the «Arkadagly Ýaşlar» magazine of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan has been published. The jubilee issue of the electronic publication coincided with its eighth issue this year.

Twenty issues are not many for one edition. But despite this, from the first issue, the magazine, published in the first month of the year «Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar ýaşlar», in a short period of time won great love and aroused great interest among readers. It should be especially emphasized that it has become a ground for publications by Turkmen youth and a platform for discussions. At the same time, the magazine offers its readers a wide range of new interesting articles and literary works.

The introductory article of the editor-in-chief of the electronic magazine is devoted to the Caspian Sea Day celebrated on August 12. The article «Uly jemagatlar, uly geneşler» draws the readers’ attention to the significance of the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan to be held this month.

The participation of the delegation of Turkmen youth in the international educational conference for young volunteers, which was held in the Kyrgyz Republic last month and was devoted to the volunteer work in the member and observer countries of the Organization of Turkic States, is reflected in the article «Halkara hyzmatdaşlygy ösdürmekde ýaş meýletinçileriň orny». The first article in English, published in the anniversary issue of the magazine, covers the present day of the Turkmen-Korean relations in the sphere of science and education.

As the title of the article «Täze okuw ýyly ― täze başlangyçlaryň binýady» suggests, the first day of autumn is the beginning of a new academic year. The magazine’s pages also feature articles by young teachers about their impressions of the first lessons of the new school year.

The articles «Talyplyk ýyllary ― uly mümkinçilikleriň döwri» and «Medeni mirasyň hukuk goraglylygy» in the new issue of the publication are also very expressive. The first article in Russian talks about the main values of Turkmen culture. The article published on these pages in English emphasizes the importance of the Caspian Sea in strengthening friendship among peoples.

The electronic edition continues with the article «Sanly ykdysadyýet ― ösüşiň aýdyň kepili». The article «Hytaý dili: sözüň şekil bilen sazlaşygy» will also be of interest to those who want to learn Chinese. The series of speeches, devoted to the 300th birth anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy, continues with the article «Köňülleriň şahyry». The author of the article «Ýunus Emräniň eserlerinde ruhy-ahlak ýörelgeler» cites specific examples of the problem discussed in the article.

Articles «Bagtyň açary», «Iň baý adamyň iň gadymy syry: nädip baýamaly?» (George S. Clason’s book The Richest Man in Babylon), «Kitap – dünýä syrynyň açary» and «Göwündäki daşlar» inspire readers to new ideas and make them think deeply.

Articles in the English language about the best parts of the world for travelling can captivate readers no less than the previous ones. And it is all the more pleasant that their list provided in the article begins with the Avaza national tourism zone in our country.

The article in the Russian language about the unique features of the summer takes readers back to summer memories. When you say «summer», the first thing that comes to mind is our gem Avaza, which makes memories sweeter.

Traditionally, the issue ends with information on the winner of a competition «Ýaş waspçy» and a beautiful photo collage. The photo collage reflects an exhibition-fair «Kids Expo: Ähli zat çagalar üçin» that recently took place in the capital.

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