Meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan
Published 23.11.2022

A meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan was held today under the chairmanship of Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Welcoming the members of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, the participants of the meeting, Hero-Arkadag emphasized that today we are holding a meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, in which 54 out of 56 members of the Halk Maslakhaty are taking part, and declared the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan open.

The National Anthem of Turkmenistan is being played.

Then, addressing the audience, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh noted that members of the Government, representatives of ministries and sectoral departments, public organizations, mass media, and youth were invited to the current meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh.

Noting that the main topic of today’s meeting is the Law “On the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2023” proposed by the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh, Hero-Arkadag addressed the participants with a question whether there are proposals on the agenda.

Then the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh put to the vote the received proposal to approve the agenda of the meeting, which was unanimously supported by its participants.

Addressing the members of the Halk Maslakhaty, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that if any suggestions, comments or questions arise during the discussion of the issues included in the agenda of the meeting, it will be possible to apply in writing.

Then the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty focused on such issues as: whether a sufficient amount of work has been carried out on its preparation; whether this document proposed by the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh corresponds to the tasks of further development of the Homeland; whether it provides for full and uninterrupted financial support for the further prosperity of our state and the improvement of the well-being of people; what remains to be done for improving this activity.

Then the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty gave the floor to the Chairwoman of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova, who noted that in the year “The Epoch of the People with Arkadag” under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, purposeful work is being carried out in all spheres of state and society to implement major projects adopted in accordance with the Program “Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state: The National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052”.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimyradov, who then spoke, informed about the ongoing cardinal reforms in all spheres, which contributes to increasing the economic potential of Turkmenistan. It was also reported that industrial and socio-cultural facilities, residential buildings are being built and put into operation in all corners of the country, social and living conditions of the population are improving, a prosperous and happy life of citizens is being ensured.

Then the data on income and expenditure items of the main financial plan for the coming year were announced in detail separately for each key sector of the economy. The expected figures were given for the export of “blue fuel”, oil and petroleum products, the production of construction materials, industrial and chemical products, electricity, cargo transportation by all modes of transport. It was also reported about the planned indicators in the agro-industrial complex, trade and services, and in the non-state sector.

In the State Budget, the share of funds allocated to the social sphere is 74.9 percent. Special attention in the speech was paid to the increase in wages, pensions, state benefits, scholarships in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan.

In the continuation, the data planned for the article on the development of capital investments at the expense of all sources of financing were presented. In this regard, information was provided about the funds provided for the construction of industrial and socio-cultural facilities.

Then the floor was given to the Minister of Finance and Economy M.Serdarov, who said that in the new historical epoch, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the scientifically based economic strategy initiated by the Hero-Arkadag continues to be successfully implemented.

Next year, the revenue part of the State Budget will be provided due to economic stability, an increase in GDP and an increase in labor productivity. In this regard, the expected indicators for the income and expenditure items of the main financial plan of the country were announced. In addition, it was reported on the data of the local budget for each velayat and the city of Ashgabat.

Speaking later, a member of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh from the city of Ashgabat, G. Agaev, noted that the State Budget provides for the necessary measures destined to ensure the progressive growth of the national economy based on the optimal use of funds and available opportunities.

Then the floor was given to a member of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh from Akhal velayat E.Ataeva, who reported that the budget of this region was prepared on the basis of the Program “Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state: The National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052” and other adopted programs. Akhal velayat is one of the industrially and agriculturally developed regions of the country. In this regard, the investments in the State Budget for 2023 for the construction of new industrial and social facilities will allow expanding the scale of the country’s industrial development under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Then a member of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh from Balkan velayat M.Ataklycheva noted the great importance of the current meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty, held under the leadership of the Hero-Arkadag, in further improving the standard of living of Turkmen citizens.

In turn, a member of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh from Dashoguz velayat S.Gaiypov noted that the Law “On the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2023” prepared on the basis of the adopted programs is aimed at the harmonious development of all sectors of the national economy. The basis of the industrial and economic potential of Dashoguz velayat is the branches of industry and agriculture.

Then, a member of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh from Lebap velayat B.Khalov highlighted that in 2023 a significant share of State Budget expenditures will be directed to financing the social sphere, in particular, the development of education, healthcare, culture, housing and communal services. This confirms that taking care of a person is a priority of the State policy of Turkmenistan.

Member of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh from Mary velayat Kh.Khajiev noted that in accordance with the State Budget, natural gas production and electricity production will increase in the region next year. This will help to increase exports and ensure uninterrupted provision for the needs of domestic consumers.

Then the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, addressing the audience, noted that in modern conditions, the correct and proper regulation of the economy is a matter of global importance. The state budget is widely considered an important tool for economic planning. Our State Budget determines the methods and types of formation of the country’s financial resources, and also ensures the proper and targeted use of these funds.

Thus, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, ensuring the long-term development of the native Homeland depends on how fundamentally this issue will be considered today. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this work with special responsibility.

As a result of the economic development of the state, our budget also acquires new content. Thus, the country’s budget should be of high quality, meet the requirements of the time, which will allow our people to solve socio-economic problems, create conditions for the development and implementation of long-term and short-term programs.

Of course, I would like to emphasize that when preparing the State Budget, such issues as the prospects for the country’s economic development, foreign exchange reserves, the stability of the national currency, investment policy, and the state of the financial market should be taken into account. The main part of them is related to the tasks of the financial and economic system, the Hero-Arkadag said, addressing the audience with the question, “Is it provided for in the proposed Draft State Budget for 2023?”

The emphasis was also placed on the fact that in the Program “The revival of a new epoch of a powerful state: The National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052”, “The Program of the President of Turkmenistan for socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028”, “The National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the transformation of social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, cities of etraps and etrap centers for the period up to 2028” specifically defines the tasks for each year and the deadlines for their timely implementation have been set.

Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh addressed with the question, “Does the State Budget for 2023 allow to implement the tasks provided for in these documents?”. In this regard, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed to analyze the main financial plan of the country.

For the proper functioning of the State Budget, it is first of all important to ensure its revenue part, which, naturally, in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, is formed at the expense of established taxes and fees received from individuals and legal entities, as well as mandatory payments and sources, the Hero-Arkadag noted.

It was also noted that at present, control over the receipt of funds to the budget is not carried out at the proper level.

As it was stated, examples from any industry can be cited to confirm this. One of the simplest: the task is to control the consumption of drinking water, electricity, natural gas by the population, payment for services rendered. This work has begun, but has not been completed to the end, in many places this situation still persists – devices for calculating the consumption of drinking water, electricity, and natural gas have not been installed.

“We will never put up with such a state of affairs and I strictly warn that order will be established in these areas,” Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued.

It is necessary to identify employees who promote their own interests and apply strict measures to them. Employees engaged in corruption will never have a place among us, said the Hero-Arkadag.

The Ministry of Finance and Economy should ensure the distribution of budget funds in various spheres, their targeted and rational use, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh stressed, noting that currently this requirement is not being met at the proper level. This work is not carried out on the basis of accurate calculations, as a result of which the allocated funds in some areas are insufficient.

At the same time, the allocated funds remain unused in a number of areas. No one is responsible for such a state of affairs, noted Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, distinguishing that at the end of the year, when this situation should be resolved, many issues remain unresolved due to the slowness and indifference of the Ministry’s employees.

As a result, many funds are transferred for the coming year, which has a negative impact on the activities of institutions and enterprises. At the same time, it was noted that this situation leads to a decrease in budget revenues. This is a consequence of the fact that the proper and stable functioning of the financial and banking systems is not ensured, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh continued, emphasizing the need to pay special attention to such issues when analyzing the activities of these complexes.

Speaking about the expenditure part of the State Budget for 2023, the Hero-Arkadag noted that, first of all, an increase in wages, pensions, state benefits, scholarships for students and trainees is provided.

In this regard, questions also arise, “Is a 10 percent increase in wages and other benefits enough; is it enough for a decent life of the people?”

Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh noted the availability of all opportunities to take care of people, the sufficiency of funds for this due to the economic power of the country.

Hero-Arkadag also emphasized the need to once again consider the issue of increasing salaries, pensions, state benefits, scholarships of students and trainees by 10 percent in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan.

First of all, it should be assumed that the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028” provides for an increase in the average monthly salary to 2,506.3 manats in 2023.

Every year, the volume of capital investments in the country is growing. In accordance with the above-mentioned Program, in 2023 it is planned to lay capital investments in the amount of 1,354.59 million manats. Of course, these funds are significantly higher compared to 2022.

Youth is our future! The prosperity of the native Homeland, the successes that will be achieved, and its international prestige in the future are connected with the young people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh said, accentuating that the issues of their education and upbringing should always be in the spotlight. There are no secondary issues in this direction, everything is very important, the Hero-Arkadag noted, stressing that all benefits provided to young people on a legal basis must be implemented without fail. However, these benefits are also related to financing and provision of funds.

In this context, it was said about the need to provide for this provision in the State Budget for 2023, as well as to increase the funds allocated to young people for special purposes. At the same time, an instruction was given to revise the relevant budget items taking into account the abovementioned.

In order for our citizens to be educated, as well as for the development of the healthcare system and national culture, it is necessary to continue the construction of preschool educational institutions, schools, hospitals, health centers, sports facilities, libraries, cultural centers and residential buildings.

In accordance with the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028”, 5 hospitals, 11 preschool institutions, 8 secondary schools, 1 higher educational institution and 1 theater will be built in 2023. Unfortunately, this is not enough for us, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, addressing the audience with a question, “Is there enough funds allocated for the implementation of these works?” As the Hero-Arkadag said, it is quite clear that questions may arise with the construction of these facilities in case of non-fulfillment of the revenue part of the budget.

Emphasis was also placed on the importance of mandatory implementation of the adopted programs, which is a matter of national importance. If any leader treats their performance negligently and irresponsibly, then he will have to be removed from office, said the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh.

Large amounts of budgetary funds are also allocated for the development of science. However, when analyzing the activities of the Academy of Sciences, the expected results are not yet visible, said Hero-Arkadag, noting that he understands well that the funds allocated for scientific research, science, do not give quick results. It takes years. Of course, both theoretical and scientific work is necessary. But the main issue here is the lack of discoveries with specific economic effects associated with the introduction of the latest achievements of science and technology for industrial purposes.

“Why does this happen? Is the level of knowledge among Turkmen scientists and young people lower than in any other country?” The Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh continued, stating that we have highly educated and capable youth and there are a lot of them.

The main thing, as it was emphasized, is to support them and direct them in the right direction. This should be the main task of the Academy of Sciences.

Then the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh focused on the issue related to the place given to agriculture in the State Budget, especially the development of agriculture and animal husbandry.

The land should be given to the real owners. It is necessary to make every effort for the efficient and rational use of water. It is necessary to treat the maintenance of agricultural machinery and equipment in a businesslike manner, said the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, saying that if the necessary measures are not taken, no matter how much seeds, fertilizers and machinery are purchased, it will not bring the expected results. We must take these issues into account when preparing the State Budget, the Hero-Arkadag underlined.

Also, in order to achieve great results in 2023, the expediency of directing investments to the development of the economy was noted mainly through diversification and the creation of industries on an innovative basis.

In the continuation of the speech, it was emphasized that the development of entrepreneurship and the private sector is one of the important vectors of the development of the national economy. Great results have been achieved in this direction, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh stated with satisfaction, noting that he would not list them.

However, as it was emphasized, the State Budget does not provide sufficient funds to support entrepreneurs, and increase the volume of products manufactured in the country.

Providing housing for the native people is one of the main tasks. In accordance with the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028”, in 2023 it is scheduled to create 2,687 new jobs, build 14.44 thousand square meters of housing at the expense of public funds and 436.38 thousand square meters of housing at the expense of the private sector. As a result, it is planned to increase the living area of each person to 23.4 square meters, the Hero-Arkadag said.

Accordingly, the State Budget does not provide enough measures to address issues of ensuring employment and further improving the standard of living of the people. As in previous years, the amount of funds allocated to the social sphere from the State Budget should exceed 70 percent, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh stressed.

In this context, the Hero-Arkadag proposed, having once again carried out specific and accurate calculations, and taking into account the comments made in all directions, to return the draft Law on the State Budget for 2023 for revision to the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, and then to submit it for reconsideration to the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh.

Hero-Arkadag, on behalf of the meeting participants, assured the head of Turkmenistan that they would work tirelessly in agreement to successfully complete the tasks, would always justify the trust of the state and the country’s President, promote the improvement and modernization of legislation in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Having addressed Arkadagly Serdar wishes of sound health and longevity, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh concluded his speech with the words, “May the great and historical deeds carried out by him always be crowned with success!”.

“This concludes the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan,” Arkadag said, declaring it closed.

In conclusion, the National Anthem of Turkmenistan was played.

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