The extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 08.10.2021

Today President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has held the extended digital meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in which the works carried out by branches of the economic complex for nine months of this jubilee year were summed up and the course of realisation of presidential and other programs of social and economic development of the country was discussed. Reports of members of the Government, other corresponding heads, and also khyakims of the capital and regions were heard, priority tasks on immediate prospects were outlined.

Passing to consideration of the issues, which were put on the agenda, the head of Turkmenistan gave the floor to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet S.Berdimuhamedov who reported on macroeconomic indicators for nine months of the current year, branches of the economic complex confirming stable development.

The rate of increase of gross national product for the period under review has made up 6,2 percent.

According to results of the analysis of indicators by ministries and sectoral departments, the volume of made production for January-September as compared with the similar period of 2020 has grown by 6 percent.

The Deputy-Chairman also reported on results of the inspections held by the Supreme Control Chamber on erected new buildings. As was informed, as of October 1, 2021 all over the country 62 large industrial and social projects were put in operation.

Within the limits of the report, the information on the buildings and constructions planned to be commissioned in October of the current year was also mentioned.

Further Minister of Finance and Economy M.Serdarov, reported on results of development of national economy for the considered period, and informed that as of October 1 of this year fulfilment of the revenues part of the State budget of the country has made up 109, 2 percent, and expenditures - 98, 1 percent.

For the accounting period, a number of meetings of the balance commissions, including regional has taken place.

The report on performance of works within the limits of National programs also sounded also. In total for the considered period investment for the sum of 1 billion 764 million 389 thousand manats was realized.

Then Chairman of the State Statistics Committee S.Velbegov reported on economic indicators of ministries and sectoral departments of the country for January-September of the current year. As compared with the similar period of 2020, the growth of volumes of output of many kinds of production in the industrial sector was marked.

The head of the State Statistics Committee also reported on the measures undertaken with a view of perfection of activity of accountable structure for the account of application of modern methods of gathering of statistics data and also about introduction of high technologies in a context of solution of the goals defined in the «Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025».

Further Chairman of the Central Bank G.Mushshikov reported on the work of subordinated establishments for the January-September, 2021, practical steps realized on adjustment of their activity in conformity to time requirements, and also on performance of commissions of the President of Turkmenistan.

The head of every ministry and sectoral department should prove in the Ministry of Finance and Economy the program for the forthcoming year, the leader of the nation disposed, having given the Deputy Chairman a number of concrete instructions on timely fulfilment of mutual settlement of accounts between establishments.

Then on results of activity of supervised branches for the last nine months in a context of realisation of the Program of development of the oil and gas industry of the country for the period till 2030 Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet Sh.Abdrahmanov reported.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov reported on results of activity of building, industrial and energy complexes, "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern and capital administration for nine months of the current year.

As President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov noted, it is necessary to accelerate also building construction, settlements, especially an administrative centre of Akhal region.

Having charged to analyse comprehensively developed position and to take all necessary measures for adjustment properly activity of profile structures, the President of the country gave Deputy Chairman Ch. Purchekov strict reprimand for inadequate execution of his duties, decrease in indicators in work of the supervised ministries and sectoral departments and signed a corresponding decree.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov reported on results of work of ministries and departments of trading and textile complexes, and also enterprise sector for nine months of the year.

Throughout the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan for inadequate execution of his duties and shortcomings made in his work and default of the given commissions gave Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov strict reprimand with final warning of correction of the admitted shortcomings in the shortest terms.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet S.Toyliev reported on the work executed in January-September of this year in the spheres of national education, science, public health services and sports.

In all educational institutions this day, solemn events under the slogan «Turkmenistan – Homeland of peace and trust» and the first lessons took place. On behalf of the leader of the nation 161 thousand 739 first-graders were presented with computers "Bilimli".

In the public health services sphere for the accounting period the new edition of the Government program «Saglyk», the Plan of readiness of Turkmenistan for counteraction to acute infectious disease and acceptance of measures of fast reaction, the National program on increase of immunity of population in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and National strategy «Healthy mother - healthy child - the healthy future» were adopted.

Further on results of works in supervised spheres for January-September were reported by Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova.

It is necessary to prepare the new substantial programs, which are equitable to interests of spectator audience, including on issues of digitalization of economy.

In this connection, the head of Turkmenistan gave Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova and the head of the above-named State Committee A.Ashyrov strict reprimands for the shortcomings made in their work, having signed corresponding decrees.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on results of activity of subordinated establishments for nine months of the year.

The plan for the accounting period on rendering of services and production on the given complex was executed by 111, 2 percent.

The rate of increase for January-September by "Türkmendemiryollary" Agency made up 106,3 percent, "Türkmenawtoulaglary" Agency - 137,1 percent, "Türkmendenizderyayollary" Agency - 139,2 percent, "Türkmenaragatnaşyk" Agency - 111 percent. Corresponding work was held by "Türkmenhowaýollary" Agency.

Then the floor was given to khyakim of Ashgabat city R.Gandymov who reported on the work carried out for 9 months with a view of achievement of high indicators in the harmoniously developing capital, undertaken steps on realisation of city planning concept initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov.

Further reports of heads of administrations of regions were heard.

Khyakim of Akhal region Ya. Gurbanov reported on results of the works executed for January-September within the limits of realisation of the National program on development of rural areas. The report on undertaken measures for the purpose of increase of rates of seasonal agricultural campaigns held these days on the agricultural areas of the region, systematic improvement of social security of population, and also the course of building of objects sounded.

For inadequate execution of his duties and shortcomings made in his work, the head of Turkmenistan gave khyakim of Akhal region Ya. Gurbanov strict reprimand with final warning of correction of the admitted shortcomings in the shortest terms and signed the corresponding decree.

Then khyakim of Balkan region T.Atahallyev reported on the state of affairs in the region, the work executed for the considered period, realised practical steps on the organised conduction of the cotton-picking season, winter wheat sowing in target dates and at high qualitative level, and also on increase in rates of building of the objects erected according to the National program on development of rural areas.

In turn, khyakim of Dashoguz region N.Nazarmyradov reported on the results reached in the region for 9 months, seasonal field works carried out now and undertaken measures on the organised conduction of wheat sowing for the next year, increase of rates of cotton gathering. He also reported on the course of building of infrastructural objects, preparation of cultural events on the occasion of forthcoming holidays.

Further khyakim of Lebap region Sh.Amangeldiev reported on the state of affairs in the region and results of the activity for 9 months of the year, activities in agricultural fields, including the course of cotton-picking season and winter wheat sowing, realised measures on improvement of social security of population and increase of rates of building of objects.

Then khyakim of Mary region D.Annaberdiev reported on indicators of development of the region for the January-September, undertaken complex steps for increase of rates of agricultural campaigns, in particular, winter wheat sowing and cotton-picking season and also the course of building of the objects planned to open in the near future.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet E.Orazgeldiyev, reporting on results of activity of supervised branches for nine months of the current year, informed that as a whole the agrarian and industrial complex increased volumes of output of production and executed works and services as compared with the similar period of 2020 made up 108,3 percent.

Addressing the deputy chairman and khyakims of regions, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov noted that this year in the country’s fields the good harvest of cotton has grown. Considering the importance of these valuable raw materials for national economy, it is necessary to take all measures for its gathering of the harvest lost-free and to the last box, the leader of the nation underlined.

Then with the report on results of activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the considered period Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister for Foreign Affairs R.Meredov spoke.

In August in Avaza national tourist zone passed the third consultative meeting of heads of the states of Central Asia.

For the accounting period, our country through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was visited by 54 foreign delegations. At the same time, 30 delegations of Turkmenistan were sent abroad.

By digital communication system, 1313 meetings of various level were organised. Within the year, 112 international documents were signed.

Then the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov who reported on work, carried out by accountable structures, the course of realisation initiated by the President of Turkmenistan on complex military reform, modernisation of material base of military men and law enforcement bodies and the measures undertaken on perfection of their activity.

Further Deputy Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan K.Babaev informed on results of work on perfection of legislation of the country.

During the considered period, the first session of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the first convocation was held, in its course changes and additions to a number of laws in force were discussed, and decisions on the documents regulating activity of the given structure of the Milli Gengesh were adopted.

Further Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova informed on work on modernisation of legislatively legal base of the country.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, addressing participants of the meeting, characterised results of work of branches of the economic complex for the given period, having noticed that they visually show successful development of our independent Native land, despite the complexities which have arisen owing to influence of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy. The constructive labour aimed at welcoming of the glorious holiday - the 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan - grandiose successes, caused achievement of high economic indicators in the anniversary year.

As a result of such purposeful works in the country high rate of increase of gross national product - at level of 6, 2 percent was kept. External goods turnover has increased by 12, 3 percent and has exceeded 9 billion American dollars.

As President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov noted further, before the termination of the year remains to very little time, and consequently, all of us should work with enthusiasm to finish the anniversary year with good indicators. It is necessary to prepare thoroughly also for celebrating at high organizational level of significant date - International Day of Neutrality.

Addressing participants of the meeting, the leader of the nation disposed to hold once again first of all, the meeting on the state budget for the next year and to consider its articles. At the upcoming meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in the near future, this major financial document will be approved and submitted for consideration of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan. Besides, it is necessary to give particular attention to development and approval of the Investment program for 2022.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet S.Berdimuhamedov and other deputy chairmen, the head of the state charged them to take henceforth productive measures on the further perfection of activity of the supervised ministries and sectoral departments, improvement of their financial condition.

The head of the state gave Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov and other deputy chairmen the assignment to prepare the program of actions for the forthcoming year, which will be considered in one of the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers and be then approved.

Having reminded that on October 10 in the country Day of workers of public health services and medical industry will be widely celebrated, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov pointed out that the work carried out by them, especially now, is worthy a big respect.

Having signed the Decree on awarding distinguished workers of the given branch an anniversary medal «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 30 ýyllygyna» and a memorable sign, the leader of the nation charged Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet S.Toyliev to hand state awards in solemn conditions.

Throughout the topic President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov informed that he has finished work on the 13th volume of his scientific work «Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan», having dated it for Day of workers of public health services and medical industry. On completion of the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers copies of this book will be given to all its participants, the head of the state said, having also given the commission to Deputy Chairman S.Toyliev to ensure the organised delivery of the new edition to doctors in the holiday.

In the given context, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov also noticed that it is time to reconsider the sizes of the minimum salary in the country. On the one hand, it is especially important macro indicator, and on the other - an indicator, clear to each of us. For the basic essence of our policy - «State - for people! », the head of Turkmenistan stated.

Completing the extended digital meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the leader of the nation wished all its participants big successes in their work for the benefit of further prosperity of our sovereign Fatherland.

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